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TPL is a national nonprofit organization with a staff of nearly 350 and an annual budget of over $86 million.
               Since 1973, TPL has worked with local government agencies, stakeholders and community leaders to
               complete 372 park Projects across the U.S. Many of the grants received to do this work are on a
               reimbursement basis; TPL has the fiscal capacity to implement Projects for which we are later reimbursed.
               $500,000 in matching funds has already been committed to the Project by Los Angeles County from their
               Proposition A competitive grant program. WCB has indicated, through initial conversations, that the Santa
               Clara River (and this project specifically) is a high priority for its Prop 1E floodplain protection program
               funding. Based on these conversations, we plan to request $1,000,000 in matching funds from WCB.
               Task                                        Estimated Date      Comments
               Obtain Willing Seller Letter                Nov-16              Complete
               Obtain Willing Owner/Manager Letter (MRCA)  Nov - 16            Complete
               Sign Option Agreement                       Dec-16
               Receive Restricted Use Appraisal            Jan-17
               Complete USPAP Appraisal                    Feb - 17
               Continue Due Diligence (ESA, Site Tours, Etc.)  Dec-16 to May-17
               Request Advance to Escrow                   Nov - 17            Needed to move forward with
               Close Escrow                                Dec - 17            Acquisition complete
               Close Project                               Feb - 18            All documentation submitted

               XII Disadvantaged Community
               Indicate whether the Project will benefit a disadvantaged community. Projects located in or adjacent to communities defined as no
               less than 81 percent disadvantaged will receive 5 points. Does the Project add a new trail or recreational resources not available
               within a 0.5 mile radius?

               While the Robin's Nest property is not located in or adjacent to a disadvantaged community, disadvantaged
               communities will still benefit from public ownership of the land. There are several disadvantaged
               communities within the Santa Clara River Watershed, and negative impacts on the upper Santa Clara River
               (wherein the Project is located) will adversely affect the entire system, including drinking water supplies, and
               thus those communities. Protection of the property, which encompasses 0.5 miles of the Santa Clara River
               and high quality riparian forest will help to ensure watershed health.

               A successful acquisition will also help to preserve the region as a natural area for outdoor recreation and a
               respite from the urban constitution of much of Los Angeles County.  The MRCA has vast experience in
               developing public outreach programs to Economically Distressed Areas, and the Project will further their
               capacity to promote community engagement. Various entities serving low-income populations utilize the PCT
               for environmental education. For example the Environmental Charter High School and Middle School, with
               80% of the student body considered financially disadvantaged, teaches students to repair and restore the
               trail.  The portion of the PCT that traverses the Robin's Nest property is narrow and does not have a
               dedicated steward. However, the Project will ensure that it is always accessible, and it will provide
               opportunities for learning environmental stewardship.

               XIII Conservation Corps
               Indicate whether the Project will use the services of local or state conservation corps or other job training entity for a portion of the
               Project work.

               15  Pacific Crest Trail Association website available at

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