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             NEWHALL - SAUGUS  RODEO  means  true  Rodeo  to  the  many

                 . thousands  of  enthusiasts  from  coast  to  coast.  It  is  the  focal

              point  for  one  of  the  oldest  traditional  rodeos  in  the country.  I ts
              purpose is  to perpetuate this yearly event and give to Southern Cali-
             fornia  another achievement  in  historic  backgrounds.

                    Presented for  the twenty-second consecutive season this rodeo

              is  the outstanding .and picturesque event of the year,  ranking  with
              the  famous  Cheyenne,  Pendleton ,  Salinas,  Ft.  Worth ,  Calgary and

              Madison  Square  Garden  events.

                    Witnessed  by  more  than  half a  million  persons  from  all  parts

             of  the  West,  the  thrilling  contests,  colorful  presentation  of  the
              magnificent Grand Parade fitted  into a unique background of scenic

              beauty, presents a  true picture of the Old West.

                    World  champion  contestants  are  eager  to  compete  in  these

             events because of the attractive purses offered winners of the many
             contests,  which  are  staged  under  the  rules of the  Rodeo Cowboys'

             Association.  All  points earned be:::ome a part of the yearly computa-
              tion  toward  the  National  Championships.

                    The famous  Bone I Ii  ranch  at Saugus is one of the finest arenas

              in  the country, offering every facility for  the staging  of  rodeos and
              housing of livestock.  It has a  seating  capacity  of  over  twenty-two

              thousand, with  parking  space adjacent  to  accommodate  the  maxi-
              mum of automobiles.  Centrally located near the heart of the beau-

              tiful  San  Fernando  Valley,  the  arena  is  easily reached  through five
              major highways.
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