Page 6 - larwqcb20110404sos
P. 6

Placerita Canyon Site Order No. 89-16
                 Monitoring & Reporting Program No. CI-6857

                        The Discharger shall conduct groundwater monitoring at the site.  Groundwater samples shall be
                        collected  from  groundwater  monitoring  wells  PMW-3A,  PMW-7,  and  PMW-15  to  monitor
                        groundwater quality at the site.  Groundwater shall be monitored in accordance with the following
                        groundwater monitoring program:

                                               ANALYTICAL                        MINIMUM FREQUENCY
                       CONSTITUENT                                 UNITS
                                                 METHOD       ,                       OF ANALYSIS
                  Benzene                        EPA 8260B           Pa                 S emi-Annual
                  1,l-Dichloroethane             EPA 8260B           Pg/L               S emi-Annual
                  1,2-Dichloroethane             EPA 8260B           Pg/L               Semi-Annual
                  1,l -Dichloroethene            EPA 8260B           PdL                Semi-Annual
                  Tetrachloroethene              EPA 8260B           Pg/L               Semi-Annual
                  1 , 1 , 1 -Trichloroethane     EPA 8260B           PgL                Semi-Annual
                  Toluene                        EPA 8260B          mg/L                Semi-Annual
                  Trichloroethene                EPA 8260B          mgk                 Semi-Annual
                  trans- 1,2-Dichloroetl1ene     EPA 8260B          mgL                 Semi-Annual
                  cis- l,2-Dichloroethene        EPA 8260B          mdL                 S emi-Annual
                  Xylenes                        EPA 8260B          mdL                 S  emi-Annual
                  Total dissolved solids (TDS)   EPA 160.1          mdL                 Semi-Annual
                  Sulfate                         EPA 300           mg/L                Semi-Annual
                I  Chloride                       EPA 300           mg/L                Semi-Annual
                  Boron                          EPA 60 1  0B       ma                  Semi-Annual  '
                                                                  Feet, below
                  Depth to Groundwater             In situ                             ~emi-~nnual~~~
                                                                 top of casing
                  Groundwater elevation will be calculated fiom depth to groundwater (measured in feet below top of casing) and
                 the reference elevation (in feet above mean sea level) at top of casing.
                  In addition to PMW3A, PMW-7, and PMW-15, water levels recorded at monitoring locations PMW-2,
                ,  PMW-3, PMW-SBR, PMW-6, PMW-11, and PMW-14 during semi-annual monitoring events for the purpose of
                 estimating groundwater flow direction.

                        All groundwater monitoring reports must include, at a minimum, the following:
                            a.  Well identification, date and time of sampling;
                            b.  Sampler identification, and laboratory identification;
                            c.  Semi-annual observation of groundwater levels recorded to 0.01 feet above mean sea
                                level and groundwater flow direction
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