Page 16 - labwp1929annual
P. 16


                                         DRAINAGE DITCHES
                         The construction of the "A," "A-1" and "C" drainage ditches in the
                     vicinity of Bishop, having a combined length of 15 miles, together with
                     the deepening and widening of two miles of the old Longyear ditch along
                     Colling Road at the southerly terminus of the "A" Drain, was completed
                     in June of this year. These ditches are four feet wide on the bottom,
                     eighteen feet wide at the top, and have an average depth of seven feet.
                     They are excellently serving the two-fold purpose of draining a large
                     area of water-logged land and contributing to the water supply for the
                     Aqueduct. Their average combined discharge into the Owens River during
                     the last year has been approximately 25 second feet.  This flow will be
                     materially increased during normal and wet years and is water which,
                     without the drains, would be lost by evaporation.
                                      SEISMOLOGICAL STATIONS
                         In cooperation with the Carnegie Institute of Washington, Seismo-
                     logical Research Division, two buildings for the purpose of housing
                     seismographs, for recording earthquakes, have been constructed in the
                     Owens Valley during the year.
                         One station is located at South Haiwee Dam and another at Tine-
                     maha Dam. These stations will be equipped by the Carnegie Institute of
                     Washington, and are a step in line with the Institution's program of a
                     network of similar stations throughout Southern California.
                                        ROAD CONSTRUCTION
                         The construction of 3500 lineal feet of road in the Soda Hill region,
                     and 4000 lineal feet of road leading to the south end of Pine Tree
                     Canyon Siphon, was completed during the year. Work was also started
                     in the construction of 3200 feet of road in Midway Canyon, between Pine
                     Tree Canyon and Mojave. The completion of these roads will make all
                     portions of the Aqueduct in the Mojave Division completely accessible
                     for maintenance and operation:
                         In cooperation with the County of Inyo, the Department has con-
                     structed about three miles of the proposed road from Carroll Creek to
                     Horseshow Meadows on Cottonwood Creek, and has contributed labor and
                     material to the value of $5,000.00 for construction of a road to Onion
                     Valley on Independence Creek.
                                          TELEPHONE LINE
                         The construction of the new telephone line between Independence
                     and Fairmont has progressed during the year, the line being completed
                     as far south as Jawbone Canyon, with the exception of a short gap in
                     the Vicinity of Little Lake, where the right of way is still in question.
                     It is expected that this line will be completed to Fairmont by December
      "  j           of this year.
                                   INDEPENDENCE HEADQUARTERS
                         Occupancy of the new office building and warehouse at Independence
                     began the early part of this fiscal year. This building is a commodious
                     structure, of pleasing lines, and one which is not only a credit to the
                     Department, but adds another architectural unit to the increasing number
                     of such public buildings in Owens Valley.
                         Independence is now headquarters for all four divisions operating
                     in the Owens Valley, namely-Commercial Division, Owens River Aque-
                     duct Division, Land Division and Power Operating Division. The Branch
                     Headquarters at Lone Pine was abolished as such, in January of this
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