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World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2017                                                    392

               appears to have been  missed by the various investigative panels, who did not perform
               independent verifications of the dam’s dimensions.
                       The testimony  suggests  that the only  engineering design work was carried out for the
               maximum cross section of the Hollywood Dam; and that this design was subsequently applied to
               the topography of the St. Francis site in San Francisquito Canyon. Bayley’s calculations appear
               to have been limited to a static analysis of the dam’s highest section, estimating the factors of
               safety against 1) cantilever bending/overturning; and, 2) basal sliding.
                       The dam collapsed 10 days after the reservoir’s initial filling, to within three inches of the
               spillway sill. This condition would have represented the maximum pore water pressure being
               applied to the dam mass and its foundations.
                       The coefficients of friction assumed for the foundation materials  were inappropriately
               low for planes of foliation in mica schist,  and for  gypsiferous horizons in the arkosic
               conglomerate, which was subject to slaking upon submersion.
                       Foundation exploration was minimal, consisting of 10 shot borings in the stream channel
               and one exploratory  adit 30 to 40 feet long into the Pelona Schist on  the left abutment, just
               downstream of the dam. Keyway excavations into the sloping abutments were also minimal, the
               deepest being between 3.6 and 4.3 m.
                       No accommodation for uplift relief was installed beneath the sloping abutments, which
               were comprised of contrasting materials (mica schist and arkosic conglomerate, separated by a
               fault). The  fault could also have served as  a significant aquitard,  restricting downward
               percolation of seepage from the reservoir through the right abutment.
                       The dam was unknowingly  constructed  against an ancient bedrock landslide complex
               developed in the Pelona Schist. This was identified by Prof. Bailey Willis of Stanford University
               after the failure (Willis, 1928), and evaluated in some detail by Rogers (1992, 1993, 1995, and
               1997). Elevated pore water pressure in the old landslide likely served to reactivate a small
               portion of this mass, about six times greater mass than the dam.
                       William Mulholland’s decision to caulk and grout the transverse shrinkage cracks in
               January and  February 1928 (Fig. 7) likely triggered the dam’s untimely demise a few weeks
               later. Mulholland’s goal was to save precious water being lost through the cracks, but caulking
               the fissures with oakum on the downstream face served to trap reservoir water pressure within
               the dam itself, a potentially  catastrophic situation because it  would have hastened internal
               instability. This condition is born out to a noticeable degree in the downstream tilt of about one
               degree, recorded by the Steven’s Gage on Block 1 of the dam, beginning around 8:30 PM on
               March 12 , 3-1/2 hours before the failure (Rogers 1995; 2007). Few people at the time
               understood the destabilizing impacts of pore water pressure beneath concrete arch dams, which
               were altered radically by the failure of Malpasset Dam in France in 1959.

               Import of Peer Review. Without any site-specific design input other than the site topography, it
               must have been an awful embarrassment for  William  Mulholland and the City’s  Bureau of
               Waterworks  & Supply to have the St. Francis  Dam fail catastrophically, and for the  first 62
               victims to have been  City  employees and their dependents living by  the dam  and San
               Francisquito Powerhouse No. 2.

                       In his testimony before the Coroner’s Inquest a sorrowful Mulholland said that he “only
               envied those who were killed.” He went on to say Don’t blame anyone else, you just fasten it on
               me. If there was an error in human judgment, I was the human.”  No truer words were ever

                                           World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2017
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