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World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2017                                                    390

               Deputy District Attorney Dennison asked him “Do you understand that Mr. Mulholland and you
               designed the Hollywood Dam?  Bayley  answered “Well, in effect, yes. Mr. Mulholland, the
               detail, and myself the stress diagrams.” Sample design calculations were reproduced in the few
               available textbooks of the era, and Bayley stated that he had used Morrison & Brodie’s Design of
               Masonry Dams. An example “stress diagram” from Morrison & Brodie’s 1916 text is presented
               in Fig. 8.
                       After the jurors had completed their inquiries  of W.W. Hurlbut, the examination was
               passed onto Deputy District Attorney  A.J. Dennison. He asked Hurlbut about the blueprints
               brought to the Inquiry, specifically, if they were “for the St. Francis Dam?” He replied that these
               are the “original drawings” used in the  construction of the dam, but that their supporting
               computations were in the files at their office.
                       Dennison got Hurlbut  to admit that St. Francis Dam not “designed” per se, but
               constructed  according to the layout and  general dimensions previously  developed for the
               Hollywood Dam in Weid Canyon. When pressed for the “computations,” Hurlbut answered
               “The original records which have been submitted here by various other witnesses who have been
               called, and the computation books on the design of the Hollywood Dam on which the basis of the
               design of the St. Francis Dam was used.”

               Figure 8. Example of the “stress diagrams” described by Edgar Bayley, taken from
               Masonry Dam Design, 2  Edition by Morrison & Brodie (1916). This shows a maximum
               compressive stress of 20 tons per square foot (tsf) along the ‘Line of Pressure-Reservoir
               Full.’ These were the same values used by Bayley in the design of Hollywood Dam, which

               were then applied to St. Francis Dam.

                                           World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2017
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