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b.    Workers'  Compensation:

                                       A  program  of  Workers'  Compensation  Insurance  in  an  amount
                                       and  form  to  meet  all  applicable  requirements  of  the  Labor  Code

                                       of  the  State  of  California,  including  Employers  Liability  with  a

                                       $150,000  limit,  covering  all  persons  providing  services  on

                                       behalf  of  Contractor  and  all  risks  to  such  persons  under  this

                           3.    Independent  Contractor  Status:

                                 This  Agreement  is  by  and  between  the  County  of  Los  Angeles  and

                     Society  and  is  not  intended,  and  shall  not  be  construed,  to  create  the

                     relationship  of  agent,  servant,  employee,  partnership,  joint  venture,  or

                     association  ,  as  between  County  and  Society.

                                 Society  shall  bear  the  sole  responsibility  and  liability  for  furnishing

                     Workers'  Compensation  benefits  to  any  person  for  injuries  arising  'trom  or

                     connected  with  services  performed  on  behalf  of  Society  pursuant  to  this


                           4.    Failure  on  part  of  Society  to  procure  or  maintain  required  insurance

                     shall  constitute  material       breach  of  contract  upon          which    County  may

                     immediately  terminate  or  suspend  this  Agreement.

                    G.     TAXES  AND  ASSESSMENTS

                           1.    The  property  interest  conveyed  herein  may  be  subject  to  real

                    property  taxation  and/or  assessment  thereon,  and  in  the  event  thereof,

                    . Society  shall  pay  before  delinquency  all  lawful  taxes,  assessments,  fees  or

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