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               Sales of potash were slightly higher than in 1970, due entirely to  higher selling
               prices.  These in turn resulted from the restrictions  on production and price im-
               posed on Canadian potash producers by the provincial government of Saskatche-
               wan in 1970. These restrictions held production at the Allan mine to about 50%
               of capacity, a level which even at present prices does not yield a satisfactory return
               on investment. However, there is no doubt that the intervention of the Saskatche-
               wan government has had a  beneficial effect on an industry plagued by massive
               excess capacity.
                 Development and test marketing continued on COBEX, a  new selective herbi-
               cide  developed  and patented by the  Company primarily for  use  on  cotton  and
               soybeans. While COBEX is  still in the early stages of development, its effective-
               ness  at low application rates  and also  its  high  degree  of  safety  in  use  indicate
               considerable promise for the future.
               RESEARCH  &  EXPLORATION
               A continuing supply of new products is vital for U.S. Borax's future prosperity.
               The U.S. Borax Research Corporation, in addition to its activity on selective herbi-
               cides, continued its investigation of new product opportunities for both the indus-
               trial and consumer markets. Meanwhile, in an intensified exploration effort, USB
               geologists carried out a  wide-ranging program aimed at a  variety of metallic and
               non-metallic minerals.
               THE  ENVIRONMENT
               During 1971 the Company continued to devote a  great deal of time and substan-
               tial  expenditures  to  ensure  that its  plants  comply  with  the  increasingly  strict
               requirements of state and local pollution control authorities.
               Mr. Ray J. Coleman retired from his position as Vice President and General Coun-
               sel after 41  years'  association with the  Company's  legal  affairs.  Mr.  Robert  L.
               Starkey was elected to replace him.


                                                        CARL L. RANDOLPH

                                                        NORMAN J. TRAVIS

               April 3, 1972
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