Page 22 - chs1974yearbook
P. 22

The fall  play,  THE  IMPOSSIBLE
       YEARS,  told  the  story  of  a  pro-
       minent  author-psychiatrist   (Rudy
       Silvas}  who  becomes  hysterical  and
       neurotic  in  reaction  to  his  two
       teenage  daughters.
          Linda  Kingsley,   the  problem
       daughter  (Doreen  Dehart},  is  no
       different  than  any  normal  17-year-
       old  American  girl.   She    goes
       through  phases  of  cutting  classes,
       forging  excuse  notes,  smoking,  not
       cleaning  her  room,  becoming  boy-
       crazy,  and  staying  out  late  at  par-
       ties.   However,  her  "normal"  acti-
       vities  interfere  with  her  father's
       work-writing  a  book  on  how  to
       raise the ideal  teen-ager.
         Meanwhile,  after  a  trip  to  Cata-
       lina  Island,  his  own  "ideal  child"
       informs  him  that  she  is  married.
       Dr.  Kingsley  unsuccessfully  tries
       to  find  out  who  his  son-in-law  is.
       Just  as  he  decides  that  the  culprit
       1s  bearded   hippie  artist  Bartho-
       lemew  Smuts  (John  Speaker),  the
       real  young  man  ster,s forward.  He
       is  Richard  Merrick  l Craig Cochran} {
       the   doctor's  business  associate.
          The  birth  of  Jesus  has  been
       portrayed  in  many  ways,  but  none
       quite   as  unique  as  the  York
       Nativity  Play.  An  annual  tradition
       in  York,  England  400  years  ago,
       this  time  it  was  the  Christmas
       production  for  the  Concert  Choir
       and  Advanced  Theatre  Arts  class.
          The  play  showed  the  serious
       and  beautiful  aspects  of the  eventJ.
       as  well  as  the  humorous  sides  or
       the  story.
        A symbolically simple production,
       the  only  furniture  used  was  a small
       stool.   A  lantern  re resented  the
       guiding  star.   Specia  1effects  were
       created  by  the  choir  singing  from
       behind  a  special  translucent  screen,
       called  a  scrim.

       1. Doctor and Mrs.  Kingsley call Mexico to find
       out  who  ma"ied  their  daughter.   2.  Smutts
       unveils  a  nude  painting  of  Linda.   3.  King
       Herod  graciously accepts  various gifts from  his
       slaves.  4.  A  deaf shepard  notices an  angel  in
       the  field.  5.  Linda  introduces  Richard  Mer-
       rick  as  her  new  husband.  6.  The  three kings
       present their gifts  to  Jesus.

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