Page 16 - autobluebook1920vol8_local
P. 16

Los Angeles Section  Page 435      Route 392
          Cross narrow narrow gauge RRs  104.7-107.8.  Cross RR
          110.3.  Same thorofare becomes Higuera St.
   112.0 12.1 San Luis Obispo,* Higuera & Charro  Sts., bank on right.
           HOTELS— Hotel Andrews, Osos St., opposite court house.
           GARAGES—San Luis Garage, Monterey St., opposite court house.
          Turn left onto Charro St. one block.
   112.1  0.1 Monterey St. ; turn right. Ascend Cuesta grade 116.1. Reach
          summit 118.8.
   122.9 10.8 Santa Margarita,  sta. on  right.  Straight thru along RR.
           GARAGES—J. W. Smith’s Garage, on State highway, south of depot.
    *San Luis Obispo, Cal.  (pop.  6,000,  alt.  201  proved  so  successful  that  all  the missions
   ft.),  is a modern  little city located half way  were  soon provided  with  tile  roofs.
   between  Los  Angeles  and  S'an  Francisco,  In  1798 Padre Luis Antonio Martinez,  the
                         most widely known and most popular of the
   about 9 miles inland from the Pacific ocean.
   It  is  the county  seat  of San  Luis Obispo  padres, began his long term of service at this
                         mission.  In 1818 Bouchard, the South Ameri-
   county and traces  its  history back  to  the
                         can revolutionist and pirate, descended upon
   founding of the mission San Luis Obispo de  the coast and Padre Martinez led a force of
   Tolosa.  The  coast  route  of  the  California  neophytes against him.  Bouchard did  little
   state highway, El Camino Real, passes thru  damage beyond the destruction of the mission
   the city.  It  is also a division point on the  ranch house. When he sailed away to Santa
   shore line of the Southern Pacific railway.  Barbara he left three of his men prisoners in
    The Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa,  the hands  of the  Spaniards.  In  1830 Padre
   restored without reference to the character-  Martinez was banished in disgrace to Madrid,
   istics  of the  original mission, was founded  where he finished his days in retirement. He
   by Padre Fr. Junipero Serra himself on Sep-  was dismissed on a charge of smuggling, but
   tember  1,  1772.  Serra departed the next day,  it  is probable that his outspoken frankness
   leaving Padre Cavalier  in charge with two  led to his being made an example of to pre-
   Indians from Lower California, four soldiers  vent the other padres from expressing their
   and  their  corporal.  Their supply  of  provi-  opinions of governmental policy in regard to
   sions consisted of 50 pounds of flour, 3 bush-  the  missions.  Padre Martinez  is  the host
   els  of wheat and  a barrel  of brown  sugar.  whose  novel  entertainment  of General and
   Fortunately  for  them,  the  Indians  of  the  Senora Moreno on  their wedding tour  is de-
   locality gratefully remembered that some time  scribed by Helen Hunt Jackson in “Ramona.”
   previous Lieutenant Pages had killed several  In 1843 a decree completing the secularization
   bears to supply the starving people of Mon-  of the mission was issued, converting  it into
   terey with provisions, and  so they brought  a pueblo, freeing the neophytes, turning the
   the padre venison and seeds at frequent inter-  mission house into a parsonage and convert-
   vals, so that he and his comrades managed  ing the other buildings  to public  uses.  In
   to subsist until new supplies arrived.  1846 when  Fremont,  in  co-operation  with
    The  padre  built  a  log  chapel and  a  log  Stockton, was marching against the southern
    house for the missionaries, and the soldiers  Californians, San Luis was thought to harbor
    erected  their own barracks.  Converts were  revolutionists.  Fremont  accordingly  sur-
    slow in coming in, as the mission had nothing  rounded and took it by assault one dark night,
    to offer them better than what they already  but  it was found to contain only women and
    had.  A  year  and  three months  after  the  children.
    founding of the mission only twelve had been  The original church had adobe walls which
    gained, but the second year the Indians be-  stood on stone and cement foundations. The
    came interested in the abundant yield of the  roof was of tiles. Under the restoration these
    corn and beans planted by the padre, and in  mission  characteristics  have  disappeared.
    the other products of the mission rancheria,  The  walls  have  been  boarded,  the  roof
    and the number of neophytes increased.  In  shingled, and topped by a New England meet-
    1776 some Indians  hostile to those sheltered  ing house  steeple, and the front arcade
    by the padres attacked the mission by shoot-  moved.  The monastery,  too, has been  re-
    ing flaming arrows onto the roof of tules and  stored with the same want  of discernment.
            Punishment followed swiftly  At  the  end, however,  are two  old  houses
    setting fire to it.
    upon the offense.  Rivera, the commandante  which happily have been left in their original
    at Monterey, came with  a  small  force,  ar-  state,  as  has  the  quiet,  square,  old-time
    rested the leaders and sent them prisoners to  garden.  The mission is now a parish church
    Monterey.  But their success had been such  which  still  in  a  slight way
    that the mission buildings were jeopardized  Indians, for the Tularenos from the interior
    by similar attacks twice within the next ten  valley who come periodically to the coast to
       This caused the Fathers  to attempt  gather shell-fish make their camp fires as of
    the making  of  roof  tiles.  The experiment  right on the mission grounds.
                           243 Miles S. of San Francisco
      San Luis Garage      217 Miles N. of Los Angeles
                          Accessories, Supplies. Agen fa for
         Opposite Court House  DODGE BROTHERS and BUICK CARS.
                          CADILLAC    CHEVROLET
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