Page 8 - anf_calan2464_2009.html
P. 8

Figure 5. Paradise Ranch Knoll earth oven, excavation plan map.

               absence of the FAR matrix, due to strata consistency and color, which indicated the near-surface spatial
               extents of the feature.
                       Subsequent to the establishment of the size of  the earth oven, the internal composition of the
               exposed (but intact) central rock feature was examined in order to recover data regarding the age of the
               site. Unit 3  was bisected on an east-west axis into Unit 3A and Unit  3B  to the north and south,
               respectively. Unit 3A was left intact, and Unit 3B was dismantled to establish a profile (Figure 6).



                       As a discrete earth oven feature (aside from  mechanical impacts), differences in sediment
               consistency and color were distinct. The basal stratum is composed of highly concreted pebble material of

               SCA Proceedings, Volume 22 (2009)                                                     Vance, p. 8
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