Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

Four Seasons Cookbook.
Santa Clarita Valley Chapter, California Women for Agriculture.

California Women for Agriculture is a volunteer organization founded in 1975 in the Coachella Valley to "present to the public, the media and elected officials the truth about local, state and national farming and to mobilize for action when necessary to insure justice for the farmer."

The Santa Clarita Valley Chapter was organized in 1981 and focused "on bringing agriculture's story to the valley's elementary schools and on promoting Ag Day with local businesses and legislators."

The recipes in the cookbook are intended to highlight fruits, vegetables and meats raised and produced in California. Most contributors are Santa Clarita Valley residents who emphasized, when possible, the products grown in the SCV and neighboring areas.


Penny Adkins

Am. Assn. Retired Persons

Mrs. H. Anderson

Myrna Bell

Dwight Beyke

Richard Bolt

Mrs. H. Bradley

Debbie Braly

Janice Braly

Lisa Braly

Jacque Bunning

Dorothy Burnette

Shelly Byrne

California Tree Fruit Agreement

Shirley Christine

Sheron Clark

Julia Coffman

Pat Conklin

Cook Family

Diana Cusumano

Joan Daniels

Anna Belle Davis

Wayne Davis

Frances Dietz

Yvonne Edwards

Eulah of Fresno

Famous Amos

Sandy Fitch

Jan Ford


Rita E. Furtsch

Gena Gabrielson

Gwen Gallion

Beverly Garland

Gautrina's of UCLA

Friend Gladys

Suzanna Haas

Candy Hall

Kathy Harding

Thelma Heard

Marva Irvine

Cousin Jean

Eileen Johnson

Pete Kandrat

Mary A. Kerl

Renee Ketcham

Ethel Kliebert

Lillian Kuwata

Mattie Lake

Nancy Lewis

Katherine L. Massa

Aunt Betty McD

Robin McMeen

Ann Miller

Marjorie Missey

No. 9 Fishermen's Grotto

Evelyn Ojeda

Linda Ojeda

Aunt Patricia

Jan Phillips

Aunt Phyllis

Stefanie Powers

Colette Quinley

Ruth Quinley

Betty Raggio

Nancy Reagan

Adeline Reid

Chris Gibson Reiss

Irma Royal

Friend Ruth

Jane Sandberg

Mabel Schmidt

Terry Shumate

Kathryn Sims

Betty Skidmore

Betty W. Smith

Patricia Smith

Donna Snitow

James Strieber

Sandra Stutz

Pat Suraco

Sunkist Growers Inc.

Debbie Takacs

Darla Tucker

Cousin Vivian

Pauline Walke

Daisy Watt

Carolyn Wells

Alice Wilkins

Millie Woodall

Betty Woodson

Download individual pages here.
Valencia / Newhall Ranch

• Personal-Bio.
• Auction Business
• Early Newhall Land
• Newhall Ranch House
• Farming-Ranching
• Newhall Land Execs


Story by Ruth Newhall


Harvest 1897 x3


~1900 x2


Sheep ~1940s


Sheep ~1940s


Feed Lots 1941 x2


Irrigation Pond 1940s


Picking Onions 1972


Cookbook 1984


Medfly Eradication 1989-1990

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