Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

1933 Newhall Fourth of July Parade and Homecoming.
Dedication of Newhall School Playground; Plans for Sand Canyon & Little Tujunga Canyon Roads.

Webmaster's note.

Newhall's second annual Fourth of July Parade and Homecoming in 1933 included the dedication of the new playground and tennis court at Newhall School, which had been a project of the Kiwanis club and apparently included some funding from the county of Los Angeles. The Great Depression in full swing, 5th District Supervisor Roger Jessup spoke about new federal funding that would put men to work building the extension of Sand Canyon and Little Tujunga Canyon roads.

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A Brass Band Oom Pahh ing at its Ooom Pahh iest, a thousand people talking at once, five hundred kiddies squealing, meeting with friends you haven't seen for years. Games of all kinds, the unforgettable Dance under the Stars, and over all the Fiesta spirit of California.

That's the Tabloid of our Home Coming Fourth of July Celebration. Going to be there? Brother, it's one show you can't afford to miss.


The day will officially open at 10 A.M. when the BEEG PEE RAYDE starts from Kansas Street, over the Pico Road. Ahead, with the United States Colors, borne by Charles Kingsburry, with the Color Guard of Jerry Riley and Walter Hoskins, all Veterans. Then will be seen Marshall [sic] Fielding Wood, mounted on his pint size burro, the steed carefully chosen for height, so that Fielding can keep his seat in the saddle and his feet on the ground at one and the same time. He will have as aides Rube Thompson and Capt. Harris.

THE LANCASTER BRASS BAND, again playing our Celebration through, will come next immediately followed by Car representing the Sheriff's Office of Los Angeles County.

Then Floats, horse drawn and motorized, and entries of all types, historic, typical and comic. Those that do not compel your admiration will move you to laughter. After marching up Spruce Street, the Parade will move down Newhall Avenue, passing in review in front of the school on Walnut Street. There the prizes will be awarded, and the Parade Photographs taken.

The Celebration then starts at our new Park Grounds. Hot meals will be served on the grounds at costs not to exceed 35 cents for an adult and 20 cents for children. Hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, soda pop, etc., will all be on sale all the day at the stands.

The Home Coming Committee, serving under Mrs. A.G. Thibaudeau, will be in action from ten o'clock on. They will pay especial attention to ex-residents of our Valley and try to make the Day memorable for them. As a special feature, Mrs. Thibaudeau is arranging an exhibit of old pictures and photographs of our Valley, which will be shown in one of the rooms of the School House. A prize will be given for the oldest view exhibited.


During the afternoon, the Newhall P.T.A., under direction of Mrs. Dale Teachenor, will conduct games and entertainment for the little ones.

From 12:30 until 1:30, a Track Meet will be held under the management of Ted Kornelissen where all kinds of records and some bones will be cracked. There will be events for young and old, fat and thin.

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Playground Dedication

At 1:45 the Band will blare the hint as the formal exercises of the day begin. These include the formal dedication of the Grounds to the Community, and their acceptance by Frank Shaffer as a School Trustee of the Newhall Public School District.

ROGER JESSUP, Supervisor of the Fifth Supervisorial District of Los Angeles County, will then speak upon pertinent matters. At the conclusion of his talk, Supervisor Jessup will move from the Field House, where the exercises will be held, to the ball diamond, which he will formally open by pitching the first ball, in the scheduled baseball (hard ball) game.

From this time (2:15 P.M.) on, athletic games will be in progress. On the ball diamond, Al Culver will prod his roustabouts into action against a team from Burbank. A soft ball game will be played later, and Ted Kornelissen is also trying to bring in a good girls soft ball team to perform against his Sweethearts. At the Tennis Courts, Wilfred Domm will be supervising the semi finals and finals in the Valley Championship Tournament. Last year, Glenn Phillips took this event and is picked by some to repeat. Virginia Page won the girls event in 1932.

For those whom athletics fail to intrigue, there will be a Band Concert sometime in the afternoon.

Yes, Greased Pig and Pole will both be among those present.

The shaded corridors and rooms of the school building will be utilized to the comfort of all concerned. In 1936, when our trees are bigger, we will need no roofs — but this is 1933.

Interest in the popularity contest continues to grow. This event is under direction of Mrs. Bryan Cone. The Kiwanis Club nominated Miss Joyce Berry, daughter of our local minister, as their candidate; the Masonic Club nominated Miss Ruth Slayton, resident of Lang, for their candidate; and stray Elks nominated Miss Margaret Thompson, daughter of Deputy Constable Rube Thompson. Scrip, from the proceeds of which the day is financed, and which is good for anything on the grounds the Fourth, carries votes at the rate of one vote for each cents value, or rather, fifty votes, for a scrip ticket, worth 50 cents. Each of these tickets entitles the holder to fifty votes in the popularity contest for the candidate of his or her choice. Elks, Masons or Kiwanians, the Canyon territory against Newhall, or any way you want to figure it. Buy your scrip and vote for your choice. The contest will not close until Five P.M. the Fourth, and it is understood that the winner will be given a loving cup, certifying her victory, at the Dance under the Stars.


Along toward six o'clock, there will be a lull — but don't go home. Those perspiring males working on the smooth tennis court surface are merely preparing for the Dance under the Stars, under the management of the Star Club. Good dance music will be provided — and oh Boy, — dancing under the stars on a summer's night on a sheer floor. What a break.

See Third Page for Exact time of Events

News story courtesy of Tricia Lemon Putnam.

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Newhall's biggest and most colorful celebration began almost most with the rising of the sun, Tuesday morning, and ended with the departure of the last tired dancer from "under the stars" on the new playground tennis court, as the clock indicated the midnight hour.

The parade formed on Kansas Street, west of Newhall Ave., coming first to Pico Road, and led by Charles Kingsburry and his aides with the national colors, and the Lancaster (Antelope Valley) Band, marched east to Spruce Street, thence south to Newhall Avenue, to Chestnut Street and Eleventh Street to the school grounds, thence east to the front of the building where the various floats and riders were arranged for the panoramic photograph. A number of the business men, organizations [and] individuals furnished floats for the parade, among whom were noted, as far as possible in their order of march, the arrangements being under direction of Fielding Wood, who was marshal of the day.


Color bearer, Charles Kingsburry, guards, J. Riley and Walter Hoskins.

Antelope Valley Band, led by Paul Hubbard.

Marshal, F.S. Wood; Aides, R.R. Thompson and Capt. Harris.

Sub-Station 6, squad in decorated car, in command of Captain Stewart.

"Walnut Street Kids," float.

L.B. Dull, decorated car.

Fred Lamkin (in costume) on bicycle.

Masonic Club car.

Spanish War veteran, and piccaninny (Guy Rolfes and Loraine Imhoff).

Newhall Ice.

Newhall Woman's Club.

Forestry Department.

Kiwanis Club float.

"B.P.O.E." San Fernando.

Bob Addington's "Outlaws."

George Kidder's Feed Store.

Bank of America float.

"Bill Johnson"

Saugus Community Club float.

Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Householder (Horse and cart, comic).

French Village

B-B Ranch riders.

Newhall School.

Newhall Bakery.

Mint Canyon Ranch orchestra.

Newhall Star Club.

Saugus Cafe (costume and decorations of 1898 vintage).

Added to the above about a hundred horsemen, rodeo performers, cowboys, cowgirls, and movie stars, many in Spanish costume, and on spirited horses, added to the color of the picturesque parade, as it wound through the streets. Several thousand people, parked in cars along the line of march, cheered the marchers.

The ceremony of raising the colors was one of the most beautiful of the afternoon. To the inspiring strains of the national anthem, played by the Antelope Valley band, Capt. Stewart and his squad composed of Deputies Riley, Lindermood, Carter and Lockey with Sam Shearman as Boy Scout, marched to the front, where the colors were ready to be "broken." After the salute, the flag was raised, and at a jerk of the rope, the colors broke to the breeze, amid the cheers of the audience.

The afternoon was devoted to the sports of the day, which were so numerous and varied that one could hardly keep track of them. The dedication ceremonies were held at the ball grounds, where A.B. Perkins as chairman of the day, and on behalf of the Kiwanis Club, sponsor of the new playgrounds, presented the playground plant to the trustees of the Newhall School district, T.M. Frew Jr., president of the board replying in a brief speech of acceptance. Hon. James S. O'Connor, Assemblyman from this district was then introduced and gave a few remarks, after which Supervisor Roger Jessup, speaker of the day, was introduced. Mr. Jessup's address was as follows:


This is a glorious country of ours, and this day we have set aside commemorating the Independence Day of our Nation, and to the men who so gallantly fought that we might enjoy liberty, and freedom of thought, government and speech.

We have gone through a great depression, we have suffered the torture of hunger and the general unsettledness of industry, we have seen our fellow men walk forth, with courage up, to search for employment which could not be had.

Day in and day out our country, and we, the people have faced conditions which would have been disastrous were we not of the blood of those gallant men, those courageous men who in 1776 shouted across the seas to the English monarchy — "Give us Liberty or give us Death," courage my good people is our birthright.

Today there is an excellent chance for us of Los Angeles County, and particularly in my own district to foster programs and plans which will put many thousand[s] of our unemployed citizens to work. These plans or projects can be the construction and improvement of county roads and highways. The new appropriation by the Federal Government to the Good Roads Fund of the State of California is Fifteen million nine hundred thousand dollars, of which the County of Los Angeles has been successful in obtaining eight million five hundred thousand dollars for the construction and completion of 6,600 miles of highway within its boundaries. This vast amount of money makes possible the building and completion of many road projects in the Fifth District.

For the past two years construction of a road in Little Tujunga Canyon and Pacoima Canyon has been going forward, and at the present time the road reaches the summit of the mountain. Between Pacoima Canyon and Bear Canyon this road will extend northerly through Bear and Sand Canyon to a connection with the Soledad Canyon road at a point approximately one and one-half miles east of Solamint, located at the junction of Soledad and Mint Canyon.

Surveys have been completed and it is a plan to extend and improve a road through Placerita Canyon from the present junction of Placerita Road and the State highway just East of Newhall, with the road first above described.

In the vicinity of Saugus and Newhall this is vitally important, for nothing can so develop this section, as ease and accessibility from the metropolitan area.

The road department has ordered the remodel of the prison camp to Soledad Canyon for the continuing and improving of the road from Lang to Ravenna including the construction of a 500 foot tunnel.

Of course you folks of Saugus and Newhall know also of the splendid road work being done in Bouquet Canyon, which will bring thousands of motorists through this district to reach the west side of Antelope Valley. Such improvements I am sure meet with the genuine approval of my people.

I am in favor of economic planning, not for the time being alone, but for our needs for a long time to come and it is very true the prospects of these programs will hasten sane, sound stability of our wholesome American standards.

Today the sky looks brighter — we are having the dawn after the dark — hand in hand we are about to go forward. Our county government is now making its plans, not for relief alone, but for actual growth of a new prosperity, so I say to you people assembled here today, amid such joyous festivities, put your shoulder to the wheel and let us all cooperate with the leaders of our government to bring about a just reward to the American people.

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Mr. Perkins called attention to the fact that, while the Kiwanis Club sponsored the playground as its objective for 1933, the kind cooperation of the county officials and citizens generally, has made it possible to complete the work of fitting up the grounds six months ahead of schedule.

* * *

Following the dedication ceremonies, came the ball game, with Supervisor Jessup pitching the first ball and Assemblyman O'Connor catching it. The umpire declared all three strikes, and the batter out, even though the ball didn't go over the plate, and Jimmy muffed it.

* * *

The Home-Coming part of the affair was in charge of a committee headed by Mrs. A.T. Thibaudeau. With headquarters in the sewing room of the school house, a most delightfully decorated spot, the old timers spent the time in visiting and viewing the pictures and relics of other days. The list of those taking part in this meeting included Mrs. Sarah Gifford, H.C. Needham, and Mrs. Julia Emmons, as the three oldest settlers present. The three were honored by receiving bouquets made from the beautiful flowers sent by Rev. W.H. Evans from his celebrated flower garden at Vista, California. Others present were: Mrs. H.C. Needham, Mrs. Segerstrom, of Sonora, Mrs. Maggie Garrigan, Miss Gertrude Kiner, Frank Kiner, Mr. and Mrs. Klippel, Long Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Dorr, Huntington Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Laney, Mrs. Olive Jenkins, Mrs. Charles Kellogg, Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Will Tracey and daughter, Bernice, Santa Fe Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Walton Young, Altadena, Virginia Keeler, Long Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Neighbors, Whittier, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Prall and family, of Santa Paula, and Mrs. Mabel Taylor, Newhall.

Mrs. Mabel Taylor won the prize as the exhibitor of the oldest picture of local scenes.

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The contest for queen resulted in a close victory for Miss Joyce Berry over Margaret Thompson, with Ruth Slayton well up toward the winning figures, as third. The coronation took place in the evening, with the losing candidates sharing honors, as ladies in waiting for the queen.

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The contestants for the championship of the Newhall Ladies' singles were Misses Mae Harland and Virginia Harris. Miss Harris won, with a score of 6-2, 614 for two sets.

In the men's singles, Gene Harris was the winner over Glen Phillips, champion for 1932. The score was 6-4 and 6-1 for two sets.

A Men's double was played, Carrol Harris and Wilfred Domm winning over Frances Harland and Kenneth Bowman. The courts were kept busy most of the afternoon with exhibition games and tournaments.

One of the busiest places was the refreshment stand, conducted by the Newhall Masonic Club, where hundreds of "hot dogs" were put to the uses for which they were intended, and soda water flowed like 3 by 2 at a picnic, a number of the members displaying unusual ability in the dispensing of drinks and things.

Interest in the greased pole climbing and catching of the greased pig, held the interest for the kiddies from seven to seventy years young. George Cesena attained the prize at the top of the pole and a Callahan boy cornered the pig, the porker being said to be the only one who had an awful time of it.

The ladies of the Star Club managed the dance, which was certainly a novelty, as the well lighted tennis court made an ideal dance floor, and a large crowd enjoyed the affair till a late hour.

Rev. J.E. Berry managed the junior boys' races and sports, and Mrs. Dale Teachenor performed a like service for the junior girls.


Junior Boys:

Sack race, George Cesena.

Three legged race, F. Warmuth, S. Tobar.

Backward race, George Cesena.

Hope race, Donald Dull.

Wheelbarrow race, Lon Pritt, George Cesena.

Nut race, Salvador Tobar.

Potato race, Oliver Cesena.

Junior Girls:

Relay race: 1st, Kathryn Byers, 2nd, Ann Lyons, 3rd, Loraine Imhoff.

Big Girls' relay: 1st, Norma Whitten, 2nd, Luvern Holmes, 3rd, Sybil Beall.

Water Relay: (girls and boys) 1st, Peggy Peters, Harold Carson, 2nd, Margie Creech, Stanley Cook.

Egg Race: 1st, Maxine Doud, 2nd Ethel Kinsey.


Sweepstakes: Newhall Woman's Club.

Organization: 1st, Newhall Star Club, 2nd, Newhall Ice.

Mounted: 1st, Miss Mary Day, riding Joe Gleason's horse.

Most Original Entry: Fred Lamkin.

Comedy Entry: Mrs. Verna Ball.

Individual Entry: Bank of America.

News story courtesy of Tricia Lemon Putnam.




Mint Canyon Entry


Antelope Valley Band


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