Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

Dedication of H.M. Newhall Memorial Pool (1949) and Park (1950).

Bronze plaque unveiled Friday, June 16, 1950, at the dedication of H.M. Newhall Memorial Park, aka Newhall Park, located on Newhall Avenue between the present Placerita Junior High and Hart High School. The pool had been dedicated almost exactly one year earlier, on Friday, June 17, 1949. Both were funded and donated to the County of Los Angeles by The Newhall Land and Farming Company, which was owned by heirs of town founder Henry Mayo Newhall at the time. Today the plaque can be seen in front of the Newhall Ranch House — the farming company's onetime headquarters — in the Heritage Junction section of William S. Hart Regional County Park in Newhall.
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Swimmers Flock to New Pool After Impressive Dedication Ceremonies.

With short and simple ceremony, in the presence of a group of descendants of Henry M. Newhall, county dignitaries, and a big crowd of interested citizens, mostly of the junior classification, the Henry M. Newhall Memorial Park Swimming Pool was formally dedicated and opened Friday afternoon.

Those present for the occasion also learned something about the pending development of the park, the installation of sprinkler system lines and the construction of a bath house, both to come this summer.

Judge Arthur C. Miller presided ably as master of ceremonies and performed the introductions.

And last but not least; a team of eight pretty girl swimmers from the Los Angeles Athletic Club staged a demonstration of swimming, diving and novelty evolutions in the water which brought applause from all watchers.

Although swimming was not supposed to start until Saturday, a long line of kids waited in the sun for the program to be finished. Rather than disappoint them, Park Commissioner Ray Tuttle threw open the gates and let everybody swim for free.

Newhall Family Present

The occasion was graced by the presence of a number of the Newhall family who occupied chairs placed in front of the office. They were Mrs. Alice Newhall O'Meara; Mrs. Atholl McBean (Margaret Newhall), San Francisco; Mrs. Fentress Hill (Marion Newhall), San Francisco; Mrs. William Dunham (Angelica Hill), Santa Barbara; W. Mayo Newhall Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. Mayo Newhall III, North Hollywood; Scott Newhall, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Peter McBean of the Newhall Ranch and Robert Newhall Chesebrough of Saugus.

Presentation Speech

In presenting the pool and park to the County, Peter McBean, great-grandson of Henry M. Newhall, spoke as follows:

"It is a pleasure to bid you welcome to this simple and brief ceremony which has for its purpose transferring of the title of the H.M. Newhall Memorial Pool and land adjacent thereto, from private ownership to the custody, care and keeping of the County of Los Angeles.

"When this has been accomplished the pool, which is now in being, and the park which still has to be developed, will belong to and may be enjoyed by all of us who live in neighborly association in and around the community of Newhall.

"There can be no doubt that this pool and the eventual park will assist many a lad on his way to useful and forthright citizenship.

"It is to be hoped that the spirit of Mr. H. Newhall is somehow, somewhere with us today. Not only to lend his blessing to the occasion but also to realize what is being done in his name.

"Mr. H.M. Newhall was one of the earlier pioneers to explore the hills, the valleys, and the gentle slopes which comprise this countryside. Born in Saugus, Massachusetts, in May 1825, Mr. Newhall came to California in the winter of 1849-1850. Upon landing in California he went first to the mines and was a hard-working miner at Douglas Flat, Placer County, for a short time, subsequently going into the auction business. It is related of him that the first sale was made from the head of a barrel and that the invoice offered consisted of the contents of his own trunk.

"He must have been a man of a penetrating sense of values and a wide and ever-expanding vision. Here we see to what a happy end his adventuring has led.

"A long journey of constructive accomplishment and always with his friendly arm across the shoulder of his fellow-man.

"On behalf of the Newhall family and the Newhall Land and Farming Company it is my pleasant duty to now present to Supervisor Jessup representing the County of Los Angeles, the H.M. Newhall Memorial Pool and the park lands.

"May I say here that the help, courtesy and understanding cooperation of Supervisor Jessup has been most outstanding and to which all concerned are happy at this time to give testimony."

Tribute to Donors

In accepting the gift Supervisor Roger Jessup paid a high tribute to the generosity of the donors. He declared that he was always glad to vote for appropriations which provided for the health and well being of the people in his district, and gave assurance that the park when fully developed would be a credit and joy to everybody.

Among those introduced were County Superintendent of Schools C. C. Trillingham, High School District Superintendent Lester C. Dalbey, Saugus School Principal Harold Parker, Trustee T.M. Frew Jr., Trustee J.T. Salmond, and Legion Commander Ralph Overton.

Praise for C. of C.

Henry Dreher, president of the Newhall Chamber of Commerce, which made all of the arrangements for the dedication ceremony, could not be present. The motor on No. 5 well of the Water Company burned out that morning, and he had to scurry around and secure a replacement. However, the chamber and its efficient secretary, Mrs. Mary Schondorf, received high praise for the manner in which the program was organized and carried out.

The swimming girls who staged a water exhibition under the direction of their coach, Miss Alene Allen, were Marion Frock, Charlotte Bell, Pat Keller, Pat Robinson, Mary Ann Morey, Jane Fitzgerald and Jane King. Comedy swimmer Andy Elkins provided lots of laughs by his antics.

On Saturday and Sunday exactly 236 people registered to use the pool, which will easily accommodate 300 or 350. Saturday night the pool was open but, due to cold weather, not many went in. Tuesday evening, however, after a hot day, the pool was really crowded.

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Park and Pool Title Changes Hands

The Newhall Signal and Saugus Enterprise | Thursday, June 30, 1949.

Both Peter McBean and Supervisor Roger Jessup looked very happy after the ownership of the Henry M. Newhall Memorial Park had been figuratively transferred during the dedication program held June 17. Mr. McBean is a great-grandson of Henry M. Newhall, for whom the park and the town of Newhall are named. The Newhall Ranch donated the land for the park and $30,000 in cash toward the construction of the pool.

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Adult swim instruction class starts Saturday

[Pool House Construction Contract Awarded]

So successful have been the swimming classes for children at the Newhall Park pool that adults have been asking why can't they learn to swim too.

To meet the demand Pool Manager Jack Wambold announced this week that an adult class in swimming instruction would be organized at 10 a.m. this Saturday and all those who wish to participate should be on hand in swim suits at the pool at that time.

Nearly 150 kids, learning to swim, are now enrolled in the five classes held each morning of the week.

Average daily attendance at the pool is about 250, Wambold said, with the peak on the hottest day 385.

Contract for the erection of a bath house was awarded last week to the DeWitt Company of San Fernando. Although the structure probably will not be available for use by swimmers this season, it will come in handy for recreational use during the winter.

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Swim students to get tests Friday

[Pool House Under Construction]

With the closing date of the Newhall Memorial Park pool set for Sunday, September 11, Pool Manager Jack Wambold this week announced that a certified Red Cross inspector would be on hand at 10 a.m. tomorrow (Friday) to check progress and award beginner certificates.

All members of the swimming classes at the pool are now in the beginner status, and there are nearly a hundred of them.

The swimming pool area at present is one of the busiest spots in Newhall. At one end of the pool the DeWitt Company is erecting the concrete brick walls of the bath house, and at the other end preparations are being made to move back the fence and widen the sun deck around the pool. Rumors that the pool itself is to be enlarged were denied by Park Supervisor Tuttle this week.

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H.M. Newhall Park dedicated with impressive program

The Newhall swimming pool started its second summer of public use Friday afternoon with a formal dedication ceremony, participated in by Supervisor Roger Jessup, Peter McBean, Judge Arthur C. Miller and B.P. Gruendyke, director of the County Department of Parks and Recreation.

High point of the ceremony was the unveiling of a bronze plaque, commemorating the donation of lands and funds for the park by the descendants of Henry M. Newhall, the pioneer for whom the town and park were named.

The program was carried out as follows:

Musical selections — High School Band.

Master of Ceremonies — Judge Arthur C. Miller.

Call to Order — Troop No. 2, Newhall;

Pledge of Allegiance — Troop No. 2, Newhall.

National Anthem — High School Rand.

Invocation — Rev. John Christensen.

Unveiling of Plaque Honoring H.M. Newhall — Peter McBean, representing the Newhall Family.

Greetings and Dedication of Building — Honorable Roger Jessup, Supervisor 5th District.

Acceptance of Building — B.P. Gruendyke, Director Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation.

Words of Appreciation from the Community — Paul Carrell, Director, Newhall Chamber of Commerce.

Presentation of the Park and Pool Personnel — Roy M. Tuttle, Park Manager, Northwest District.

Benediction — Rev. John Christensen.

Retire Colors — Troop No. 2, Newhall.

Open House and Inspection of Building — By the Public.

Entertainment — Miss Jeanette Garrett, Miss Kathy DeGuard, North Hollywood, and Hart High School Clowns.

Pool Thrown Open

At the conclusion of the ceremony the facilities of the magnificent new bath house were thrown open for public inspection, and a raft of kids splashed into the pool for their first swim of the season.

The pool staff for the summer was introduced by Roy Tuttle. Jack Wambold is again local pool manager, with the following staff to assist him: Keith Riegleman and Mrs. Margaret Lagerberg, cashiers; William French, Mitchell Logian and Bernard Keefer, life guards; Janet Cook, Jackie Frerichs, Wray Calahan and Duane Vandiver, locker attendants.

All of the staff are local people with the exception of French, who comes from Santa Barbara, and Riegleman, who comes from Glendale.

Despite the cool weather since the public opening, the average daily attendance has been about 165, Manager Wambold stated.

Principals in the dedication ceremony came quite a ways to take part. Peter McBean traveled all the way down from Oregon, and Judge Miller cut short his vacation at June Lake to be on hand.

Registrations are now being accepted for swimming instruction classes, which are expected to start in about two weeks under the auspices and direction of the American Red Cross.



Dedication 1949/1950


1994 Earthquake

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