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MINT  CANYON  SCHOOL  PRINCIPAL                      Mr.  Bernard  Camenson

       CLASSROOM  TEACHERS  - Mrs.  Annette  Najarian  and  Mrs.  Toni  Stewart-Nichols

       CLASSROOM  AIDES             - Mrs.  Cynthia  Gilmartin  and  Mrs.  Julie  Bowman

       PROGRAM  COVER  DESIGNED  BY  - Jenny  Lindquist  and  Randy  Gerdon


       Mrs.  Nancy  Coulter,  School  Librarian  and  Fine  Arts  Consultant.                           She  has
           given  so  much  of  herself  and  her  time  to  help  us  in  preparing  for  this
           special  day.         We  thank  her  for  the  smiles  of  happiness  and  the  kind-
           ness  she  extended  to  us  in  our  daily  school  lives.

       Mrs.  Esther  Dyer,  School  Secretary,  for  always  being  there  when  we  needed
           her,  and  for  her  good  sense  of  humor  throughout  the  school  year.

       Dr.  Mary  Smith,  Teacher,  who  was  kind  enough  to  help  us  with  our  songs
           and  for  accompa.nyi ng  us  on  the  piano.

       The  5th  graders  who  hosted  the  reception  for  the  19~4  graduating  class.

       SPECIAL  THANKS  to  Mrs.  Kathy  Lackey  for  furnishing  all  of  the  flowers  for
            our  graduating  class.
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