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Welcome to the 19th Annual Boys and Girls Club Benefit Auction

                                                          The  SCV  Boys  and  Girls  Club  members  and  the  Board  of
                                                          Directors gratefully acknowledge the generosity and concern
                                                          of all donors who have made possible the 1990 Benefit Auction.
                                                          These  contributions  from  individuals,  businesses  and
                                                          corporations support more than 60  percent of the programs
                                                          offered by this youth organization. Your support touches and
                                                          enriches the lives of over 1,000 deserving youngsters throughout
                                                          our area.

          Celebrating 22 years of service, the Club serves the youth of our community by providing positive alternatives which
          offset various community conditions such as low income, single parent home situations and latchkey children. A non-
          profit, non-sectarian organization, the club offers social development and prevention programs that provide positive
          alternatives and reinforce values and principles. Current membership is over 1,000 children, attendance averages
          nearly 225 boys and girls per day.
                                      "The Club that Beats the Streets"

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