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           32      FLY  UP  AND  SAIL  BACK.  Four                 33       head  of  the  class  with  a  reservation
                                                                            FRONT  AND  CENTER.  Go  to  the
                   persons  will  board  a  PSA  "Grinning
           Bird"  on  Friday,  bound  for  the  City  by  the      of  the  head  table  at  the  Auction  of  1978,
           Bay.  You'll  stay  for  two  nights  in  two  lux-     for your party  of eight.  Includes 4 catalogues
           urious  rooms  at PSA's  Hotel  San  Franciscan.        (one  for  each  couple)  and  2  magnums  of
           After  two  nights  and  a  day  on  the  town,         champagne.
           you'll  board  the  fabulous  "SS  Mariposa"                   Santa Clarita Valley Boys' & Girls' Club
           or  "SS  Monterey"  for  the  return  trip, cruis-
           ing  down  the  California  coast to Los Angeles.       34       YOUR  DREAM  COME  TRUE.                 A
           As  guests  of  Pacific  Far  East  Line,  you'll                1952  Mack  Fire  Truck  in  operable
           have    staterooms  and  all  meals  provided.          condition  will  be  yours with  the  high  bid  on
           Relax,  swim,  dance  the  night  away.  You            this  item.  This fabulous  item  originally cost
           deserve it.                 Pacific  Far  East  Line    the  City  of  Los  Angeles  $34,000.  The  truck
                                 PSA  Hotel San  Franciscan        comes  with  Historical  Vehicle  License  plates.
                                 Pacific Southwest Airlines        Buy  this  and  enjoy  being  the  big  kid on your
                                                                   block.                        James  H. Gilmartin

                    A  LUXURY  CRUISE  TO  ALASKA.
           35      The  most extravagant  item  offered  at         ball,   driving  range.  Fill  your  evenings  with
                                                                    a  movie  in  the  ship's  private  theater,  in  a
           our  auction  can  be  yours.  A  ful I  14-day  va-     pub  for  cocktai Is,  or  ·nightly  floor  shows.
           cation  cruise  for  two  to  Alaska.  You'll  board             You'll  visit  the  famous  gardens  of
           Princess  Cruises'  luxurious  flagship,  "Pacific       Victoria  and  travel  through  the  Inside  Pas-
           Princess"  (of  British  registry)  in  Los  Angeles     sage  to  Juneau.  You'll  be  awestruck  by  the
           on  Friday,  August  26.  A  fabulous  "F"  cat-         massive  glaciers  of  Glacier  Bay,  including
           egory  stateroom  on  the  Aloha  Deck,  ocean           the  17-mile  long  Mendenhall  Glacier.  You'll
           view--completely  air-conditioned,  carpeted,            remark  at  the  influence  of  Russian  settlers
           with  twin  beds  and  private  facilities,  will  be    on  Sitka,  the  old  capital  of  Russian  America.
           your home for the trip.                                  Other  ports-of-call  will  include  Prince  Rupert
                    You'll  be  spoiled  and  pampered  by          and  Vancouver,  British  Columbia,  Skagway,
           the ship's  professional  crew.  Lounge  or  stroll      Alaska,  and  San  Francisco.  The  trip  will
           the  decks,  enjoys  shopping  or  choose  your          never  cost  you  less,  bid  on  it--you  deserve  it.
           recreation:  swimming,  shuffleboard,  volley-           ( Retail value:  $3,752)          Princess Cruises
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