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---------THE LIVE  AUCTION---------

                                                                      WARM  WEATHER  RETREAT.  Seven  full  days
             PEANUTS                                            18 in  a beautiful  Mammoth condominium this sum-
                                                                      mer  or  fa 11.   Two  ful I  baths,  master bedroom
                                                                     and  2  additional  "rumpus" lofts to accommodate
                                                                     up  to  10  comfortably.  You' 11  have  the  use of
                                                                     four jacuzzi  pools,  a sauna and heated swimming
                                                                     pool.  Go  trout fishing,  horseback  riding,  hike,
                                                                     play tennis.  Holidays excluded,  it must be  used
                                                                     before November I,  1975.
                                                                                                   Mr. Jim  McCabe

                                                                     A  RIDE  IN  THE  BLIMP.     It  can  be  yours.
                                                                19  A  ride  for  two  in  the  world  famous  Goodyear
                                                                     Blimp,  courtesy  of  the  Goodyear  Tire  and
                                                                     Rubber  Company.     The  two  of  you  wi 11  be
                                                                     treated  like V.I.P.'s  and  will  be  among  only
                                                                     six  passengers  to  board  the  giant,  200-foot
                                                                     "Columbia"  at  the  airship  base  in  Carson,
                                                                     from  where  you' 11  take  an  unforgettable  ride
                                                                     over  south  Los  Angeles.   You'll  sit  near  the
            IT'S  SNOOPY  AND  SCHROEDER!       Yes,  it's           pilot  and  watch  the  intricate  docking  and  em -
       15 America's  favorite  comic  strip  characters  in          barking  procedures.   Available  for  non-com-
            an  original  donated  by  the  artist  himself,  Mr.    mercial  purposes  only,  during the coming win-
            Charles  Schulz.  One  of  the  hardest  originals       ter  season,  November,  1975  to  March,  1976.
            to  come  by  of  any  contemporary  artist,  this       Something  to  tel I  your  grandchildren  about.
            "Peanuts"  strip  is  30"  x  7",  framed  with               The  Goodyear  Tire  and  Rubber  Company
            a  beautiful  mat  border.   The  strip  appeared
            nationally  on  October  22,  1974.   A  priceless
            keepsake  for  any  child  or  adult  who  likes
                                        Charles M.  Schulz

            FOR  V.I.P.'s.  A  special  treat  from  Universal
       16  Studios:  a  "V.I.P.  Tour"  for  four  persons
            through  this  fabulous  movie  studio.  Not  the
            usual  commercial  tour,  V.I.P.  tours  are  re-
            served for heads  of state and  celebrities. You' 11
            have  your  own  special  guide  and  special  ve-
            hicle.  See  backstage  sets  and  live  filming
            on  the  sound  stages.  Ride  the  trolley  car
            and  lunch  in  the  private  commissary  where
            you'll  see  many movie stars.  No  children under
                                        Universal  Studios

            YE  NOBLE  ENGLISH  FEASTE.       A  complete
       17  banquet  for  four  hungry  cavaliers  and  their
            ladies  (8  persons)  in  the  very  private  dining
            room  of the  Vi I I age  Inn, the spectacular English   VICTORIAN SPECTACULAR. Here is the gayest,
           tavern,  just-opened  in  Valencia.  The menu tel Is   20 funkiest,  most breathtaking treasure at the auc-
           the  whole  story:  Mutton  Barley Soup,  Spinach         tion.  A  genuine antique gentlemen's country es-
            Greens  with  Bacon  Bits,  Roast  Prime  Rib  of        tate  carriage.  Restored  and  refinished by pro-
            Beef,  Yorkshire  Pudding,  Baked  Potato,  Sally        fessional  craftsmen, this  19th  century  runabout
            Lunn  with  Creamery Butter, French Crepes with          has  been  painted  and  upholstered  by  stage  set
            Hot  Apples  and  Swiss  Cheese,  and  a beverage.       designers.  A  unique  gem  for  your  estate,  it's
           Fit for a king -  and  his 7 wives!                       fabulous,  it's delightful -  it's delovely!
                                          The Village  Inn                                The  Valencia  Corporation

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