Page 10 - speedway19461229
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Meet Jim Rathman

              Slim,  blonde,  Jim  Rathman  is  another  charter  member  of  the  C.R.  ·
            A. Jim,  following  the well  worn  path that has  been trod  by  many  now
           -famous  drivers,  bega-n  racing .as  a  hobby.  In  1941  Jim  built  up  a  gow
            job,  joined the Out riders,  and  competed  in  the ra,ces at the  dry  lakes.
            At  Harpers  and  El  Mirage  a  "Hot  Rod"  enthusiast  le-arns. th-e  hard
            way-trial  and  error.  Jim  was  not  an  exception  to  this  rule  qS  the
            operation  of  his  number  3  will  prove.
              During  the· war  Jim  worked  in  Alaska,  the  Yukon  district  to  be
            exact.  Though  it  is  rather  chilly -there,  it's  not  cold  enough  to  cool
            Jim's  roadster fever and  upon  his  return . to the States  he  even  adopt-
            ed  motorcycles  too.  The  motorcycle  fad  was  short  lived  due  to  an
            accident  io  Indiana.
              Dick  and  Jim  Rathman  built  their  own  pride  ~nd  joy,  car  Number
            3.  l,n  the  first  few  races  they  were  using  two  radiators,  one  in  the
            conventional  position  and  one  in  the  "turtle  back".  They  now  have
            $150  invested  in  the  cooling  system  alone.
              Earlier this  year Jim was driving  "Pop" Minkey's  midget at  Bakers-
            field.  From  the  midgets  he  picked  up  the  idea  of  using  alcohol  as
           . fuel  in  his  rapid  roa,dster,  now  Jim  is  trying  first,  gasoline,  then  a
            change  in  his  carburetion  set-up  and  he  will  use  alcohol  for  a·few
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