Page 18 - sg1924
P. 18

/        '  .,•

                                      ; T  H' !   •  N  E W· H  A' L· L   ·  I  t  O N A  L   Friday, Janu,.ry  11,  1924.
                RESOI;UT!ON  •. · •·;   or  said  election: rand · sh'all -·be -kept  thence  westerly along section  lines  to  Southern  Pacific  Railway
                                open  until  7  o'clock  in  the  afternoon  the  northwest  corner  of  Section  21,
           C:illing  an' E lection  for  the  Ratifi~a- of  said  d;1,y,  at  which  time  said  polls  said  last  mentioned  township  ::i.nd
            tion  of the  Baud of Supervisors of  -shall  be  dosed.   range;  thence  southerly  along  section   Effective   12:01  A.  M.  Aug. ·
          .   Los  Angeles  County,  Declaring  1  5.  The  proposition  to  be  submittc·c:I  lines  to  the  sout herly  boundary  line   19, 1923 trains will  leave  Newhall
         {   Newhall  County  Fire  Protection  at  s:1id  clccLion- shall  be:   of  the  Rancho ,  San  Francisco  as   as follows:
          i   .)istrict Established. ·•.'  /,   '   1 •   "Shall, the·'RcsOlution  or' the  Iloafd  shown  on said map; th~encc along said
           ·  WHEJtEAS,  procce,i\;;·g, .ha; e been  of  Supervisor~ of  the  County  ~f  Los  ran·cho  line  to  the  ~est  line  of  Sec-  NORTHBOUND
           rc~;ularly  liad  .tml 1  t:\ken,  under  1 the  ,_.\nJ.{clcs.  of the  31st  day  of  December,  tion  4,  Township  3  North,  Range  16   Train  35  leaves  8 :14 A. M.  r, o r
           provi~ionA  of  :111  J\.ct  of  the  Lcgisla- 192;\,  tlu.u  the:.  NEWHALL COUNTY  West,  Rs  shown  on  said  last  men-
           1url!  or  the  Slate  of  California,  en- Fl l!E  PROTECTJON,  OIS'l'RJC'r  tion'cd  map;  thence  south ·on  section   Banta Paula  Rtl(I  West.
          · tit led:   •    i   be  cs1ahlishcc.J,  be  ratified?"   ,   line  to  the  southwest  corner  of  saic.J  Train 37 leavcs 5:18 P. M.  for Ox•
            ""An  Act  to  provide  for  the  forma- otncl  ,rhc  ballots  shall  contain  the  said  Section  4;  thence   cast  on  Section   nard vin Santa Paula.
          lion,  management,  and  disi;olution  oi  J)roposition  followed  I  in  a  separate  lin~s  to  the  west  line  of  Rancho  San  Train  49 leaves 12:40  A.  M.  for
          \:uunty  fire  protcclion  dist ricts,  and  col umn  l)y  the words "Yes" and  "No,"  F rancisco.  aforesaid ;  thence  along   San Francisco:  Flag stop  only.
         \') ;urnex~tlions  thereto,  i;etting  forth  1hc  pl:u:c<l- one  above  thc ' other,  and  cacti  said  rancho  line  to  the  south  line  of   Train 107, 11 :45  A. M. to  Fresno,.
          !)UWCTS  o{  such  1list ric1s•' :1 m.l  ,Provill- follov.•cd  ·on, 1he' 1rigl11  .by  :r.  voti~g  Scction ' J,  Township .J  North.  Range   West.  Flag stop only. ,,   >!
          1.,g  ior  lc,•yml,l  :iml  co11Ccting  taXi;.s  5(!lmrc. , l1ersons  voti_u~  lit  such  clcc- 16  \Vest.  as  shown  on  said  last  men-
          011  property  in  sucl.' <lisuic15  ·to  de- iiun :5hri1l  st.tm1>· a  cross  (X)  in  rhc  tionctl  map; .lhencc  cnSt  on  section   . SOUTHBOUND
          1ra')'  the  expenses  thercor,"  ripprovc(l  voting  scj11:1.rc  at  the  right  of  thC•  lines as  shown on said  last  mCntioned   Train No. 8 leaves 6:15 A.  M . . for
          .\fay· 23,  19lJ,  for  the establishment  of.  .,·ord  " Yes'.'  or  the  worJ  "No,"  (:ts  map  to  the  westerly  line  of  Lot  6  or   Los Angeles.  Flag stop only,
          :t  county  h rc  J)rotcction  district  to  lie  lhc  c::i;e ·may  be}  to 1  indicate  whether  Tract  No.  2703  as  shown  on  map  re-  ·rrain 34 leaves 9:42 A. M. for Los
          t:nown  ;s ,  N 1;'.W H:Al!.l:. 1 COUN'J'Y ·  llHiy  vhtC  fo r  or -~g~insl  the  proposi- conlcd  in  Hook 28,  Pages 20  to 26  in-
          Fl RE  t•I~OTE.CTLON •  DISTln C r,  1ion ·s11bmit1ed., .  ,   elusive'. ·of  Maps,  records ,  of  said   Angeles,·.  ·
          10  · iitclndc  the  \"i:.rritoi-y   t•mbraccd  ,  6. "  That 1the·  retu rn s • of-'s:tid •e:l<'c- county;  thence, southerly and  easterly  Train  36  leaves•. 5:18  P.  M. ·ior '
          within  the _boundaries  hereinafter  de- tion ,shall  be, canvassed  by  this  Board  along the  westerly  and southerly Jines  · Los Angeles.  . ,  '
          scrihccl, and   •  :i  _ft··•  • _  .   or · Supcrvii;ors  ·at  its  •next  regular  of said  Lot  6  to  the  southeast  corner
           WH E.REAS,  ,written  oh1cct1011  to  mdctini;) 1clcl  :lftcr  the  day 1, or  Said  thereof! thence southc:r1y  and easterly
                                                                               Catholic, Church
          . the formation or said.district was  filed  clcc<ion.  •ti.  .  . .. .  , _ .. ,  ~.  •.  along .thc·westerly and southerly lines   __ ,
      \i  f:r·LF\:with  the  qerk_or the lloard of .Super-  i . .  T hat  in . all ,  ot~cr'  particubrs  of  Lot  7,  said  Tract  No.  2703,  to  the
         ,  visors  ·of  the  County· of  Los  Angeles  s"aid  clcc tirin  s'hall  be  .held  :rnd  con- southeasterly · corner  of  said  Lot  7;  . Our  Indy  of  Perp~tual  Help.
          (>rior ·to"the  time  fixed  by  said  Ho;m.l  ducted  as  J}rovilied  by  law  for  hold- thence  northCrl)'  along.  the \ astcrly   Order of Services:
          ror  the  hearing  oh the. matter  of  the  ing  gcucr~l. dcctions ) n· the  County  Jine  of ·said  Lot  7,  to  the  sc!uth• linc
          formation  or  said .district. ,and   •. 1  or  1.os  1\1-.~cIL•s,  ,c....~cept.  thal  1io  no- of  ;,Section  l,  Township'  3  North,   · Ma BS  first Sunday in  the month
            \VH f:REAS,  at  its  meeting  o(De- :ice  of  ~uch  elecdon  other  1lmn  the  l{n,n~c  16  \Vest, as shown on aforesaid   at 8:00  a.  m.   ·
                                                                            Sunday  ::,school  at 9 :00 a,  m,
          ·  tcmbcr  Jl,  1923,  said  Board of  Super- p:1hl:cation· oLthis  resolution  ncc<l  be  County  Suiveyor's  Map  No.  5284:
          vis.ors  adopted  a  resolution · denying  given,  ''·  ·w ' 1   thence  on  section   line  to  the   For  appointments,  call  Black. '
          Sotid  ,qbjcctions  anJ  establishing  the   8..  Th:i.t  ti1·;  Clerk  of  this  Boa·~~1  westerly . line  of  that ,  certain  •◄5.20  691, or write to 719 Brand  Boule-
          NEWHALL  (;OUNTY  FIRE  PRO- or  Supt• rvisOTs , shall  cnusc  this  rcso~  .acre  J>arccl  of  1:i.nd . asscssed  to  1hc  vard, Son Fernando.
          TE(;'rlON  DJS"fRlC'r  ,  with  ., . the  lution  to  be  1rnblishcd  on~c, a  week  Republic, Petroleum '  Corporation  in   REV;  C. SIEMES
         . ·bot11}d:uies  hereinafter  describe~, _and  for twb  successive weeks  in  The New•  1922;  thence south O deg.  30 min.  East
          ~   \.VHE.RE.AS,  under  thc_ .. prov1s1ons  hall ..  Signal,  il ; i1ewspape r  of  general  .dong:  said  westerly  line  to the  south-  Pastor.
  ";.·~-~"'····  .' ··t r S('ction  4  o£ •said. 1Act,  if  written  circulation  in  :.::1.ld  (lroposed  ~is rrict,  ' \Y'Cst  corner  of  said  4S.20 .arce -parcel;
  .~·  1.-i~✓.t •,  . •  1  • objections.are  filed  1he,tUo::i.rd 'or Sup•.  ,'vhi.chJ saitl  newspaper  is  deemed  by  ·1hcncc  S011t~1  89 deg.  East 7.78  cha.ins   .
   i_' i;,;  :~ :-~~~· crvisors  must  submi~,(._ioJ the_ '-(Ole·~of  ;t~_ist ?o.~~d: t~~bc~•lhc  mOst / lil-:cly ·to  al_ong the s~utherly line of said -pa~c~I  {C((J)}D)1{  _1f!P"-. ~ ?,~JE
    ;~- .. ,'1':\.'~ the  qualified  dt:ctors  of  the  proposed  g1,•e •bc~or~  __ to__:!.hs_so1:1the,!!L~otn~r .• J.l1g~ej~l)(•11JJl.   ·   ..  •   __ ......._.._.... ___ _
    !',.;.  •  ~~-.. .,  r Jistrict  the  ratification  or. tf!c;  rcso u- sau( prqposed~election. , ,,-~' ..   .  a  point  in  the  aforesaid  easterly  Ji~e  ,  ,  .  ' San Fernando,  Cahf. ·'  ~
   ':'  *.  ,.:, ,.  ·. ti~~ .of  said  Hoard  declaring'  said ·dis•  :1,  9. ·-.J'fh:tt  the  £ol1owi11 g  is  n  descri1)- of  the  Rancho  San  Francisco;  thence  Phone Green 111  -Residence,  DJack 81
  ,•.,'.~~._  ·tt~ ..  1   trict  established;  now, i.there£orc,  '·  · , 1  1 tion'. 0f'thc,' 'pioposCd  NE\VHALI_  northerly  along  the  easterly  _Jine' of
  (fp;._,_;)t,::,  ·,:.  JlE ,JT  RESOLVED·THATf fHIS  COUNTY;t  FIRE  .  PROTECTION  sai_d rancho to  the point  of  beginning.   Two  Showo-7:00  and  8:46
  f': '\:, · ,,  :,, Jl OARD   OF   SUPERVISORS  DJ:,;TRHff_ dcdarc<l  to  be  and  cstab,  STATE OF CALIFORNIA,  •   Matinee Every Saturda,!2:80 P. M.
       1                                                                    Sundays 4 Shows, 3,  6, 7 and 9.
  •~,..:  ·ii(  _ '   •   •  FINDS,  DETERMINES . AND  O R- lishe1l  by  ~~id  Ooar,d  oi ,Supervisors  County  ·of  J..os  Angcles-ss.  '   ,..,.
  :;,_(fit  ,. ....  · DE.RS  AS  FOLLOWS,  to-wit :   'itl  its  s,1.i<l ' rcsolntion  9(  Decen:iber  ~1,  .  I. ,L:  E.  Lampton, ,County _Clerk  of
                                                                             Sunday-M'onday-Tuesda; ..  ',
  '•.      J.  That  an  election . shall  be  held  1923,  as. a  county  fire .. Prntcct,on  dis- the .County  of  Los . Angeles,  and  ex•   ... ,January. 13-14-16   ,
          in  the  propo!lcd  _NE\VHALL  trict,  to-w it :
 ' ~:f:  •.   \' COUNTY   FIRE   PROTECTION   "All  1hat  portion  of  the  County  of  visors  of  said  County,  do  hereby  cer-  ·· Alice Calhoun arid  Cullen  Landie in   "
                                                     'oHicio  Clerk  of  the  Iloard  0°f, Super-
  ~;j'.  ,-,  .
  ~- °:j-· :.   IJlSTR ICT  as  the  boundaries  of  the  Les  Angl'lcs ,incluJcJ  within  the  fol- tif>• -th:it  the  foregoing resolution_ was'   "PIONEER TRAILS"
  7'"·;  ,  ..   .. i,1asnc  were  establish~d ,  and  deter- lowin g · described  ex terior  boundary  acloqtccl  by _thc  Doard  of  Supervisors   '  i''·  · •   -also-  .   ,  •
  &0-· :·   .t  mined  in  said  resolution of this  lloard  lines :   1   or  1 lhc __ Co11nty  of  l:.os  Angeles  on  Dc-  ' ;  ."INTERNATIONAL  NEWS" .:
                                                 •  ·:~
                                                                           •   1   and      ,
  i.      of  Supervisor&,  and  as 1 the  same  are   :·NEWHALD··•  '.  ·•···.  "i   ccmbcr  JJsr, , 1923.   ·t'   ,  ,  1   . "FELIX SAVES  THE DAY"  '  .
  ~-  :·}   hereinafter  .  more   particularly   de-  \BC,:z-inning :a  the ·inlbrsectiO·n  oi  the'   • •• > -~- \,  L.-E:· I:.AMPTON,   •.  a  cartoon comedy   ·
  ,'      !'>cribcd, .on January 30th,  1924,  for the  cast  li ne  0£  the· Rancho  San· Francis-  Collnt.)' ,Clerk . and  ex-officio  Cl~rk
  '·      '.vurposc of submitting-to a  vote of the  co,  as  sho,V·n  oi-r, map  · rC.coJrdcd ·~  in  of  tJic  Doard  of .Supervisors.   W~dr'lesdliy-Thuraday
        ,   tiua.lificd  electors  of  said .- proposed  Uook. 1,  Pages 521  and ·522 of Patents,   -  ·   January 16-17 .
       1   -  \lisiriet  the  ratification  ot said• rcso1u- record~ or  J.oS  An«eles  County;  with   . _D.)'. ,~A., ~M~--~~cPhefrori~ :·  Alice Lake' and Henry ·B.  WalthalJ  ··1n
          lion  of  this  Board  declaring  said  dis•  the  sonlh  line  ·or  Fractional , Secrion   -~'-'~tic,,;~  ~  '':  /of   Deputy.   '"THE  UNKNOWN .PURPLE'' .
          1rict  established.   ·  ;•l  .. : ..  ,   1,  Township  3  Nar'.th,  Range  16  \Ve!>t, [!""'!""'!!!""'!!!""'!!~!""'!!!""'!!!""'!!!""'!!!""'!!!""'!!!""'!!!""'!!~   ~   .,.   ·'-. .:   •also-- •.   ,  ,
           At  nid election  ollly  qualificd ' rcg•  S.  H.  M.:  thence  cast  on  section  line   1:   '   ..   :-.:.-, ~-t\i-;  c 0 TEA ,N  tEA"  \/
          isterccl .clectors 0£  such .proposed  dis- to  th;  !'iOUlheast  corner  of si.\itl  Frac- }D)JR.J Wo ~Il~}'JDillL,L-,•  ; , ~\,':  ";A  Comedy   . ; ;:'_.'
  I       lrict  shall  be  permitted  to  vote.,  ,   1tioual  Section  1 l  thence  north on  sec~   •   •   '   • J 1  r1- ':  , "'----"-
  \'       2.  That  for  the  purpose  of  con- t.ion  !_inc  to  the  southeast -corner·  of   VETERINARY  SURGEON ~  ,  · •"t  ,t,:'F~iday-Saturda/·.'·:  -~;.
  :~      ;h,ctlng  said. elc:ctiou  one  precinct  is  L!)t r2  or  said  Fractional  1 S~ction:, 1:  't:
  I                                                       ~nd._DEN~IST   •t-  Jo_·•   ,.,   January  18-19   I
  t:      sufficient  and  one  precinct  i!  hereby  thence  easterly  along· quarter  section   •  -  Tom·Mix in   .  ,  . ,   "'
          .established  to  consist  of  all  the  ter- lines  to  the ,.quarter sCction  corner  on  t,  .•. ~  "  _  ~  • ,: .:.:........:.. i  ::   .   · ''lttlLE-:A ... MINUTE  ROMEO"  ,
          ~ itory  incluc.Jed  within  said  proposed  the . cast  line  of  Sec.lion  S.  Town~·hip  Offic'e:' 405· .Mislion Blvd,.   •also- ·
         - NEWHALi,  COUNTY  FIRE  l'RO- J  North,  Range  15  West, ·s.  U:  M.;   "ROARING  LION"
                                                                                 A  Comedy  •
         ·  TECTION  DISTRICT .. a:s  the  boun- ll;cncc  northerly  a10ng. section  lines   -·\  ··,:Pholle Red 89 , . .. :;.  ,,;   :·-= .. ·r  ,  , .
                                                                              .  ,
          daries  of  the  same arc hereinafter  de- to  the ·quarter  section  cornc'r  on  the   • ..:~,\.   Sari  Fernando
          ~cribed.           .   cast  line  of  Section ,32,, Tow~ship 14  -~, .•n   ...  .•  COMING
           3.  That  the  folloWing 'po11ing  place  North,- Ran,ie  15  ,West.\'S.  B. , M.i  ---~---------  . '.:  ·.:FLAMING  YOUTH"
          ~ and officers  for said election are here- (hence  westcrly .. al0ng  quarier  section
         .'  hy designated,  established ~nd  named,  lines  to  the  soutllwcst  corner  of  Lot  SAN l. FERNANDO:. LODGE   .  ,·   ''THE VIRGINIAN"
                                                                           "POTASH AND  PERLMUTTER"
          to•wit:                                                             1  ,"BLACK  OXEN"  .
        · i , .Pollin1;" Place- ·                       •NO. 365 I. O. 0. F.
         · BUILDING.                                 M~~tt·every  Wednesday  evenin'g   Our  viedii~tiday  ·matinee  hos  been
          · l•:lcction  Officers-<.~:..:\-~~.\,. ..  ,c  ..   . '-'   llt their. hllll .   discontinued  until  after  the  improvt-
                                                                          ment on oar building 11  finished,
           Inspector,  Walcott: H;  Evans:
         :   Judge, Mrs,  Emma Pilcher.  •   1   :        ;,,l -- :.
                          1 •··  f:, 4  ~
         .11  JC1erk,  M'rs., Allie  v . -Carr 1
           I 4_  Thal  the  polls  shall  be· opcried
          at  6 o!clock  in  the morning of the ,day
   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23