Page 15 - scvhs19981999minutes
P. 15


                                          DEPARTMENT OF  PARKS  AND  RECREATION

                                         433 Sour!,  l'cmumt 111'c1111c  •  /.os A11gclcs,  Oilij,,mia  90020-/975  • (213)  738-296/
                                                               Rodr,,•y /:'.  Cooper . ... Director

                                      June  11,  1992
   flt. /TY OF I.OS ANGEi.ES                                                      ADOPTED
                                                                                     BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
          Gloria Mo/i11a                                                               CO\JfTV Cl lOI ANCW.H
           First District             '!he  Honorable  Boa.rd  of Supervisors
                                      camty of l£ls  ArY:Jeles               ,.  r::  l          JUN  2 3 1992
          Ket111t'th llflllll         383  Hall of .Administration              •>  ·
          Scco11d District            500 west Telrple  street
                                      Los Argeles,  CA  90012
         Edmrmd l:tl<'lmar,
           11,ird District
                                      Dear Supervisors:
           Dea11e Dalla
          Fourth District                                   AmUVAI.OF.1\MIHHMl'R>.l
                                                        'ID  <PF.RM.'DG 1GtEf.JEfl' R>.  36711
         Mikt' Ant,morich                        wrm SAND\  ~ VAUEY :n:rmmraL 9'.);:• ery
   []      Fifth District                                (Fifth District - 3  Vote Matter)
                                                              ,a WIUJAM s.  81\Rl' PARK

                                      On  June  J,  1980,  yoor  Honorable  Board  a~ a  20-year
                                      Agreement  and  Negative  Declaration,  with  the  Santa  Clarita
                                     Valley  Historical  Society,  for  the  provision  of.  operatin:1  a
                                      historical  musemn  at  William  S.  Hart  Park.  SUb3equently,  the
                                      Society  has  successfully  relocated  the  Saugus  Railway  station
    l'.-.. :K AN!J RHCIU:',,l 710N    onto  Hart  Park,  canpleted  the  restoration  and  has  operated
    J     COMMISSION                  said  facility  as  a  historical  nuseum  for  the  benefit  of  the

  [       James Bishop                Santa Clarita Valley cxmrunity.
          A rt11ro Chayra            As  a  result of  the  Society's  suocess,  they are  11CM  request~
    ]      Gt'or,eRay                that  this  Agreenert:  be  amerrled  to  redesignate  their  operated
  ·     1Jv11gla.f  h'ashir,gtor,    park  premises  used  for  the  relocation  and  restoration  of
                                     additional  historical  l::uild.m:Js.  'Ibis  request  is  msed  on  the
                                     desire  to  save  as  many  1::uild.m:Js  as  possible  that  played  an
                                      inportant  arrl  significant  role  in  the  creation  of  the  Santa
                                     Clarita Valley.
                                     Urr:ier  a  tenp:>rary  permit,  a  number  of  these  b.tlld.m:Js  have
                                     already  been  relocated  onto  Hart  Park.  '!his  was  necessary  to
                                     save  arrl  preserve  the  l::uild.m:Js  fran  destruction  by  varmlism
                                     or  demlition,  perxting  the  carpletion  of  a  site  plan  that
                                     woold  identify  the  placement  of  historical  b.tlldin:;Js  within
                                     the  park  area.        '!his  plan  has  now  been  o:11pleted  an:l
                                     identifies  those  locations  within  Hart  Park  where  historical
                                     l::uild.m:Js  significant  to  the  Santa  Clarita  Valley  an:l
                                     surroorx:ling  areas  can  be  relocated.  Both  the  existin;J  am
                                     redesignated  park  premises  are  located  on  camty  pirchased
                                     property,  arrl  are  not  part  of  the  park  property  granted
     ,t PARKS ARE FOR                pursuant to the will of Williams.  Hart.
    [ ,     PEOPLE
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