Page 4 - scvaawarriors1973yearbook
P. 4

One year ago  I cha I lenged  you,  the  people of the
       community  to  become more  involved  in  the activi-
       ties of the  Newhall  Saugus Athletic Club.  Many
       of you  accepted that  challenge and  have contributed
       your  time and  efforts  into the  continuing success of
       our sports for  youth  programs.  The  number of new
       faces seen on our coaching  staffs,  supplementing  the
       efforts of those who  have been with  the  club from  its
       early years,  is  encouraging.  Hopefully  more  of you                PRESIDENT
       will  pick up the challenge and  participate within
       the organization.                                                      Claudel1  King

       the year-round activities of our club and the number
       of youth  involved  continues to grow and  provide a
       vital  service to the community.  We  can all  be proud
       of the accompl·ishments.

        I personally extend my thanks and appreciation to
       those of you who  have worked  hard  towards reaching
       our goals.  Also,  we  can not overlook the support of
        the business community,  the schools and the  Parks
       and  Recreation  Department.  Without their acceptance
       and  cooperation our activities would be  limited.

       Again  my  sincere thanks to  everyone who has  helped
        in  making  this year successful.

                                            Claudell  King                VI CE  PRES I DENT
                                            President                         Jim Putjenter

                SECRETARY                                                   TREASURER

               Lynn Sedberry                                                Jeanette Smith
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