Page 6 - scag_connectsocal_2019
P. 6

The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act requires metropolitan   z   The Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) for
            planning organizations (MPOs) to include private providers of transportation,   the Capitol Corridor.
            including intercity bus operators, in the metropolitan transportation planning
            process.  SCAG must provide these interested parties with reasonable   REGIONAL
            opportunities to comment on the Draft 2020 Connect SoCal Regional
            Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). Intercity   Metrolink is governed by the Southern California Regional Rail Authority
            bus operators are an important component of passenger rail as their   (SCRRA), a JPA made up of an 11-member board representing the transportation
            route networks act as an extension of the passenger rail network, as well   commissions of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura
            as feeding in to it.                                                  counties. Metrolink trains operate on seven routes across a six-county, 538
                                                                                  route-mile network, which includes a portion of northern San Diego County.

                                                                                  The LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency is a JPA that was formed in 1989 by
                                                                                  stakeholders along its corridor in order to increase ridership, revenue, train
            The Caltrans Division of Rail and Mass Transportation (DRMT) is responsible for:  capacity, reliability and safety on the corridor between Los Angeles Union

               z   Administering and managing state and federal transit and rail   Station and San Diego. In 2002, the agency expanded to include the entire
                   grant programs that provide funding for operating assistance,   Pacific Surfliner corridor north to San Luis Obispo. The agency is governed by a
                   capital improvements and equipment to California’s public      Board of Directors and member agencies include:
                   transportation agencies.
                                                                                      z   San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG)
               z   Planning and developing intercity rail capital projects and highway/  z   Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG)
                   railroad crossing improvements.
                                                                                      z   Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC)
               z   Developing the California State Rail Plan and the Statewide Transit
                   Strategic Plan to strategically plan, support, and coordinate California’s   z   Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro)
                   rail and mass transportation system.                               z   Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA)

               z   Coordinating and planning California’s rail, transit and high-speed rail   z   Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC)
                   network integration efforts.
                                                                                      z   North County Transit District (NCTD)
            In addition to providing funding, planning, coordination, budgeting, and   z   San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
            administrative support, the DRMT develops, procures and manages state
            owned rail equipment and facilities for the three state-supported intercity   z   San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS)
            passenger rail routes in California administered by their respective joint powers   z   California Department of Transportation Division of Rail and Mass
            authorities (JPAs). These are:                                               Transportation (DRMT) (ex-officio)

               z   The LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency (LOSSAN Agency) for                z   Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) (ex-officio)
                   the Pacific Surfliner,                                             z   Amtrak (ex-officio)

               z   The San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA) for the San Joaquin, and  z   California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) (ex-officio)

        Connect SoCal                                                           4                                                         Passenger Rail
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