Page 11 - rwf1958cookbook
P. 11

M,olded  Lima  Sala·d-

                              J a ne  Adams

         1  pkg.  lime  J el!o       1  C.  Farmer style cottage cheese
         1  pkg.  lemon  Jello       1  C.  Half  &  Half
         1  C.  hot  water           1  C.  Mayonnaise
         1  C,  oold  water          2  tsp.  horseradish
        1  C.  crushed  pineapple,  drained   Salt
            Mix  and  mold.

                          Cinnamon  JaHo
                             Edith  Palmer

        2  pkgs.  lemon  Jello       1  lg.  pkg.  Phfla.  Cream  cheese
        2  C.  boiling  water        ½  C.  mayonnaise
        1  pkg.  (8-oz.)  red hot candies   ½  C.  chopped  celery
        1  can  applesauce           ½  C.  nuts
           . Boil  water -  add red  hots.  Stir until  dissolved.  Add  jeilo  and stir.
        Add  applesauce.  Pour  half  in  dish  and  let  jell.  Mix  cream  cheese  and
        remaining  ingredients.  Spread  on  Jelled  half  and  pour  in  remaining
        jello  mixture.

                  Frozen  Cream  Cheese  Sala1d

                            Dorothy  Harris

        1  pkg.  lemon  jello       1  cup boiling  water
        1  pkg.  cream  cheese      1  small  bottle  maraschino  cherries
        1  small can  pineapple cut fine   ½  pint coffee cream
        1  cup  nut  meats,  chopped   1  med.  green  pepper,  cut fine
           Dissolve  jello in  boiling  water.  Cool,  add  other ingredients.  Freeze
        and  serve  with  whipped  cream  dressing.  (Mayonnaise  and  whipped
        cream  mixed).  Serve 8  to  10.
           Eaf'n  last,  longer  than  lciH"n.

                      Tropical  Fruit  Salad
                       Dorothy  Householder

        3  3-oz.  pkgs.  Philadelphia  cream  cheese
       1  can  fruit  salad  - drained
        ½  pkg.  marshmallows
        l  cup  whipping  cream
        Mix  cheese,  dice  fruit  and  marshmallows  Fold  In  whipped  cream.
        Dressing:                        ·
        ½  cup sugar                 ¼  cup  lemon  juice
        1   ts~ fl                   %  cup orange  juice
        1  P.   our
           Cook In  double boiler.  Add  enoqh whipped cream  to make  cream,-.
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