Page 6 - nsdwiley1999yearbook
P. 6

IPS                                                  OTE

         Hey people, whazz up?  It is very cool to be in 6 grade, 'specially with Mrs. Thor  Aracelli
         Ledesma   Thanks teachers and friends.  See ya later Wiley  Hello rtti  grade  Samantha Perez
         "Through good times and bad times, friends are best for both times.  Jeanette        Beaulieu  Thank
         you Mrs  Thor  You're a great teacher  I'm on my way to 7 grade, later Wiley  !!  Deanna
         Cozzo Hey 6 graders, if you thought 5 grade was hard, you better get ready for 6 grade!!
         (NOT!!!)  I had a blast in 6 grade  Remember, do one thing at a time, don't feel obligated
         to do it all at once  Stay cool, stay off drugs, and don't drink  Nathan Maretsky       I only have
         one thing to say, "SKATEBOARDING IS NOT A CRIME!"  Kevin Bouley I have had many great
         years here at Wiley Canyon  I will carry wonderful memories to Junior High with me  Lacy
         Dmitriew  Wiley is the best!  Carrie Haendle  I really enjoyed my seven years at Wiley Canyon, but
         the visits to Mr  Heath's and Mr  Skinner's office really stunk  Bruce Blackstone    I love W  C !  I
         think it is the best school  Kyle Muscarella I hope all you fifth graders have fun in sixth grade
         I did  Pablo Aguilar I got in trouble a lot, but I made it.  RyanMurphy I had a lot of fun at Wiley
         Canyon and I will miss it.  Tyler Tollefson It's OK to make mistakes, but making them twice is
         wrong. Jasmyne   Flores Have fun in 6 grade  Jesus Lemos    This school has taught me a lot.  I'm
         g·rateful for what this school  gave me  Gabe Rivera Thanks for teaching me what I  know
         Andres  Ceron  Thanks Wiley Canyon for teaching me everything I know  George Guzman         I would
         like to thank my friend and my teacher Mrs  Thor  Throughout the good times and the bad
         times stay in school and get good grades  Claudia Salazar       Thank you to Wiley Canyon for a
         hard, fun, and wonderful 6 grade year!  Christina Fisher Bye Bye Wiley, Hello Placerita!  Abby
         Kennedy  Thanks to all my teachers and my family  I  have learned so much  Jessica Gorham
         Fulfill  the  dream!  Adrian  Rex Goodbye  Wiley,  for  good!  Cristine   McGeever   Wiley  Canyon
         School, you are really cool!  Bryan   Trock There goes Amber         Bye, Bye, Bye!  Amber Wallace
         In 6 grade, I couldn't wait until 7 grade, because I wanted a  locker so I didn't have to
         carry all of my books in my backpack, because it gets very heavy at times.  Daniel Frankel
         Have a great 6 grade year, and may the grades be with you!  John Voshell I had a great time
         in 6 grade, Mr  Milando was the best!  Zach Gold        So long sixth grade, I'm going to Junior
         High  A. J. Wilding  Stay in school and you will succeed!  Remember always keep on going,
         never quit!  Make all your wishes come true and always do your best!  Marlene Vasconcelos           I
         thank all my teachers for teaching me to be a successful student.  This year was great for
         me! I wish the best to all my friends in the future!  WC  is the best .  Alma Guerrero Thanks for
         7  years  of wonderful  teachers  at Wiley  Canyon        I  have  been  challenged,  inspired  and
         enriched to follow my dreams and achieve my goals.  Lindsay Rosenboom         Yakity Yak!!! Zack's
         not coming  back.  Zackery Stecker    Look  out world,  here  I  come!  Chase Sherman    Five  great
         teachers, and five wonderful years have helped me achieve my goals here at Wiley  Nick
         Janizeh  Roses are red,  violets are blue,  Goodbye Wiley,  I'll miss you!  Nicole Salas "Never
         attack in an angry mob, or you'll turn into a shish-kebab!  Melody Yenn When riding a bike be
         sure to keep your eyes on the course  Brock Arndt         Please remember not to put foil in the
         microwave  Vlad Karabin     I want to thank my friends, family and especially Mr  Milando for
         being a great influence and for helping me through school  Kathleen Baca
               FROM 6th GRADE
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