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THE  PACIFIC  MINERALOGIST                              11

                      THREE  THOUSAND  MILES  TO
                             COLLECT  MINERALS
                                  By  A.  J.  McARTHUR

           Through  the  assistance  and  ad-  es  for  reduction  of  sodium  and  pot-
         vice  of  the  following  committee:   ash chemicals and descrbied several
         Dale  Meyers,  Ernest  Chapman,  Roy   of  the rare minerals found  in Searles
         Martindale, George Craighead, Henri  Lake.  Mr.  Don  Mulvey  added  color
         Withington,  0.  U.  Bessette  and  Dick   to  the  evening  by  showing  several
         Mitchell,  the  LAMS  society  enjoyed  reels  of  colored  pictures.
         a  successful  year  of  field  trips  in   Sunday morning  there was a  min-
         spite  of  much  rainy  weather.  Al-  eral  swap  between  the  members  of
         together  the  society  covered  a  total   the  Los  Angeles  Mineralogical  Soc-
         of  approximately  3,000  miles.  There  iety  and  the  Searles  Lake  Society,
         doesn't  seem  to  be  any  limit  as  to   followed  by a  trip  to  Panamint  Val-
         how far a  Rock Hound will go to  pick  ley  collecting  chrysoprase  in  bas-
         up  a  pretty  rock.                anite,  stibnite  and  onyx.  Collected
           The  following  field  trips  were  out-  at Trona  were  hanksite,  hopper  hal-
         lined  by the  committee  and  success,  ite,  pirssonite,  trona,  gay-lussite  and
         fully  carried  through:            other  soda  and  potassium  minerals.
           Sunday,  Dec.,  L  1940.  Red  Rock   The  members  of  the  Searles  Lake
         Canyon  and  Inyokern,  meeting  at  Society  are  to  be  very  highly  com-
         Ricardo  at  9:30  A.M.,  collecting  zeo-  mended  for  their  hospitality.
         lites,  sand  crystals  and  jasper.  At   March  29-30,  1941.  Coyote  Wells,
         Inyokern,  wollastonite  and  gros-  Saturday  noon.  Visited  Yuha  Mesa,
         sularite  garnets.  We  were  met  at  collecting  petrified  wood,  limonite,
         Ricardo  by  members  of  the  Searles  pseudomorph ·after  pyrite,  and  the
         Lake  Society  who  joined  us  on  our  oyster  beds  near  the  Yuha  wash,
         trip.                               collecting  ostrea  henmani,  ostrea
           Sunday,  Dec.  29,  1940.  The  trip  to   iridescense,  osttea  vespetina,  and
         Palos  Verdes  hills  was  called  off   ostrea  veachii,  (the  last  two  named
         on  account  of  rain.              being  the  same).
           Sunday, Jan.  26,  1941.  Alpine,  (on   These  fossils  are  tropical  Atlantic
         highway  80),  30  miles  east  of  San  and  are  called  middle  miocene  or
         Diego.  Here we collected  sillimanite  approximately  12  million  years  old.
         and  dumortierite.  Started  for  Julian  The ostrea vespetina has  just recent-
         and Banner mining  district  but  were  ly  been  found  living  in  the  Gulf  of
         stopped  by  rain.                  California.
           Saturday,  Feb.  22,  1941.  12  noon,   Camping  in  S he 11  Canyon  the
         Trona,  Calif.  Overnight  trip.  A  tour  group collected  the  following  known
         of  Searles  Lake  Potash  and  Soda  fossils:  Brain  coral  (Solemastra  fair-
         works  by  courtesy  of  the  American  banks)  and  lucina  acutilineata.  The
         Potash  and  Chemical  Company  brain  coral  is  also  found  in  the  Ba-
         occupied  the  afternoon.  We  at-tend-·  hamas  Islands.  The  lucina  acutili-
         ed  a  banquet  Saturday  night  ar-  neata is found living on the sea coast
         ranged  by  Mr.  Henri  Withington  of   of  Southern  California  today.  Other
         the  Searles  Lake  Society.  The  prin-  fossils  were  found  but  have  not  as
         cipal  speaker  of  the  evening  was  yet  been  identified.  This  is  one  of
         Mr.  W.  A.  Gale, Director of Research  · the largest  fossil  areas  in  the  United
         of  the  American  Potash  and  Chemi-  States  covering  approximately  250
         cal  Company who  outlined  process-  square  miles.
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