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OLD .. YELLER  :...  #2103                                                   Page  13
                   January  22,  1957

                   37     INT.  COATES'  CABIN  - KITCHEN  - NIGHT  - STAGE                                     ·  37

                          Travis;  the· dust  brushed  off  his  clothes  and  his  hands
                          and  .face  washed.,  is  seated  glumly  at  the  table~  The
                          table  is  a1i•  set ror  suppero  The  meal  itself waits  in
                          big  iron  pots  at  the  fireplace  while  Katie.,  in  the
                          doorway  to  the or~_t;ze~y ;.:~ __ calla out.                    ··

                                         Arliss!  You:better  get  in
                                         here  if you  want  any  supper.
                          Katie  goes  to  the  fireplace  and  begins  to  dish  up
                          supper.  As  she  heads  for  the  table  with  a  platter of
                          cornbread.,  the  door  opens  and.:Arliss,  hands  and  face
                          str~aked  with  dirt,  straggles·~n.

                                         Who  busted  down  the  fence?

                                                .. {sternly)
                                         Where-have  you  been?

                                                      .  ARLISS
                                        Bear  hunting. ·  Wpo  busted  the---
                                         fence  down?            ·

                                         Danged-. old  st_ray  dog o      Run
                                         Jumper-right  through  it.

                                        A  dog?  'Where  is.he?
                                        You  won't  never  ~ee  him.
                                        I  done  rocked  him  clean
                                        off  the  place.

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