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City Council:
''We Hereby
No one, of course, can predict the future. Jo Anne Darcy Provide expedient, concerned access
But we can hope. And dream. And make Most people perceive New Year's Reso- regarding problems and their resolutions
plans. lutions as items to be conceived and dis- for the people, wherever and whenever
SCVM AG asked each of the newly-elected carded in haste. But I want to take a possible.
city council members to do just that - more serious stance. To me, the privilege Always listen to the voice and needs of
hope, dream and plan for the City of Santa of being elected a council person means the people of Santa Clarita and serve
Clarita for 1988 and beyond. doing the best job possible. them in an unbiased, equitable and car-
Since I am familiar with the communi- ing manner.
ty's problems through professional asso-
ciation over the years, I feel it is my job to Carl Boyer
attempt to solve them. Therefore, I re- For my New Year's Resolutions,
solve to ... resolve ...
Seek every means possible to provide To keep my campaign promises, pro-
new road arteries and highways to relieve viding honest, open and pragmatic gov-
future traffic impacts. ernment; an oak tree ordinance promptly;
Help provide disaster preparedness in- animal rights; and no increases in taxes,
formation through neighborhood watch fees or other kinds of revenue-generating
training, community education, material devices designed to augment city reve-
distribution, and emergency supply de- nues.
pots for disaster victims-. To show the skeptics that city govern-
Strive for balanced, quality growth ment will be more responsive; better
equal to the ability to provide necessary than what the county could provide; and
improvements in infrastructure (roads, oriented towards quality, problem-solv-
water, sewage, utilities, etc.). ing growth.
Expand our present senior citizen faci- To forgive the sincere opponents of
lities and seek new ways to provide more cityhood; forget about putting parking
affordable housing for the elderly and meters in front of their homes; and resist
indigent. the advice of experienced officials who
Strengthen present ordinances to suggest that parking meters are a great
maintain quality growth, oak tree and way to raise revenue.
animal protection, sound anti-litter and To help the city council work as a
billboard controls, and greenbelt (park) team, avoiding "politicking" whenever
enhancement. possible.
Provide community forums where ci ti- To never forget the 20 candidates not
zens can present their ideas, opinions, elected to the city council, but who were
suggestions, and assessments of local great winners nonetheless; the great
needs. people on the City Formation Commit-