Page 3 - hs9701
P. 3
Restoration Committee
Spring Pole Drilling Rig
A very productive research effort was completed in the last several days, with information
garnered that will allow us to finalize our display with authentic, and detailed equipment and
tools. (See attached sketches.) Through the information gathered, including photos, the well head
components, will be presented in more detail, allowing for an exact demonstration of the drilling
process, used with the typical Spring Pole Rig.
Also, working with a member of one of our local Eagle Scout Troops, we have organized a work
party, scheduled for the 22 of March 1997, to re-establish grades and contours at the display site.
This program will include: the "manicuring" of grades, ramps, and slopes; the paving of all "cut"
slopes with river stones;* construction of stone "curbing" along the "open° side of the pedestrian
ramp. (OUr thanks to Paul Kreutzer for "connecting" us to the Scouts.)
Included in our finalization effort ofthis display, is a "rework'• of the well site tool chest, the
present "sore thumb" looking white finish will be removed, and replaced with a multi-coat
application of linseed oil, giving it the same finish as the "pole" and "fulcrum" post.
Don A. Woelke
*Note: Working with Mr. Norm Phillips of the County Parks & Recreation Dept. we have
arranged to gather the stones from within the Park.
cc: file
P. Helvey