Page 3 - hs9032
P. 3

PaGE  #3


                    From  the  physical  evidence,  maps  and  written  sources,  it  is
                fairly  certain  that  the  back  portion  of  the  Newhall  Ranch  House
                was  built  sometime  before  Henry  Mayo  Newhall  acquired  the
                property  in  1875.

                    It  is  doubtful  that  the  Del  Valle  family  would  have  built
                it  as  they  were  nearly  impoverished  and  by  all  accounts  living
                in  the  Milk  House  midway  up  the  hillside.

                    Obviously  Fernald  and  Richards  would  not  have  bu1t  the  house,
                as  they,probably,  were  never  there  and  never  even  paid  their
                note  on  the  place.

                  The  most  logical  candidates  would  be  William  Wolfskill,who
               owned  the  Rancho  San  Francisco  jointly  with  Ygnacio  and  Jose
                Del  Valle(1860  to  1865)  and          Thomas  Bard,Col.  Scott's  agent
               and  nephew(1865  to1873).

                    Since  some  structure  appears  on  the  1870  map  and  the  bricks
               were  made  in  the  1860s,  we  may  conclude  that  this  portion  was
               put  up  between  1860  and  1870.

                    Bard  was  frequently  at  the  Rancho  and  was  primarily  interested
                in  its  oil  potential,  even  sinking  some  wells  on  the  property.The
               corporate  owner  during  this  time  was  The  Philedelphia  and  Calif-
               ornia  Petroleum  Co.  Three  wells  drilled  produced  such  poor  kero-
                sene  that  it was  unsalable.

                    More  than  likely  it was  Thomas  Bard  who  built  the  small  house
               sometime  between  1865(when  he  bought  the  ranch)  and  1870(when
               the  Cooper  map  was  made).

                  The  main  house,  of  cource,  was  built  by  Henry  Gregory  Newhall
               in  1893.  It  went  through  several  alterations  after  that,mainly
               in  1971,  after  the  February  earthquake.

                                                                        Jerry  Reynolds
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