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FLO18A44                                                           S.L.C.

                            1        ley Historical Society, and the Community  Hiking

                            2        Club of Santa Clarita.

                            3        (b) MANAGEMENT.—The Secretary shall manage the

                            4  Monument—

                            5             (1) in a manner that conserves and enhances

                            6        the cultural and historic resources of the Monument;

                            7        and

                            8             (2) in accordance with—

                            9                   (A) the Forest and Rangeland Renewable

                          10              Resources Planning Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C.

                          11              1600 et seq.);

                          12                    (B) the laws generally applicable to the

                          13              National Forest System;

                          14                    (C) this Act; and

                          15                    (D) any other applicable laws.

                          16         (c) USES.—

                          17              (1) USE OF MOTORIZED VEHICLES.—The use of

                          18         motorized vehicles within the Monument may be per-

                          19         mitted only—

                          20                    (A) on roads designated for use by motor-

                          21              ized vehicles in the management plan required

                          22              under subsection (a);

                          23                    (B) for administrative purposes; or

                          24                    (C) for emergency responses.
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