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               Dr.  Hamilton  C.  Smyth,  District  Superintendent
                Mr.  Daniel  Hanigan,  Assistant  Superintendent
      Mr.  Donald  Jerry,  Administrative  Assistant  to  the  Superintendent
                 Mr.  Joseph  Andrews,  Director  of  Personnel
                Dr.  James  Bown,  Director  of  Support  Services
                Dr.  Gary  Wexler,  Coordinator  of Curriculum
       Mr.  Morris  Lechtick,  Supervisor-Vocational  &  Career  Education
         Mrs.  Louise  Robertson,  Supervisor-Federal  &  State  Projects
       Mr.  William  Maddigan,  Director  of  Business  &  Fiscal  Services

                       BOARD  OF  TRUSTEES
                          Mr.  Dennis  King,  President
                        Mrs.  Sandra  L.  Loberg,  Clerk
                       Ms.  Clara  J.  Stroup,  Ass't.  Clerk
                      Mr.  Wm.  S.  Dinsenbacher,  Member
                         Mr.  Gerald  H.  Heidt,  Member


       Baker,  Ruth             Keil,  Paul              Schirmer,  John
       Barr,  Joel              Kirby,  Martin           Scott,  Rick
       Basey,  Dale             Klinger,  David          Searby,  Joyce
       Beauer,  William         Lacy,  Maria             Seely,  James
       Born,  Gary              Leathers,  Nancy         Seifert,  Donna
       Borruel,  Timothy        Leth,  Tom               Sharpe,  Valarie
       Calzia,  Peter           Lewis,  Barbara          Sheggrud,  Jerry
       Carey,  April            Lopez,  Karen             Shenberger,  Jill
       Cheek,  Patricia         Louis,  Richard           Sinclair,  Heather
       Daly,  Patricia          Love,  Steven             Sindermann,  Dianne
       DeGroote,  Gwen          Lund,  Dianna             Smith,  B.J.
       Deloria,  Terri          Lund,  Donald            Smith,  Bonita
       Doornwaard,  Sherry      Mansfield,  Chris        Smith,  Elsie
       Feuerhelm,  Jane         Mc  Fadyen,  Eva          Spindt,  Gary
       Flaherty,  Coleen        Mercado,  Mario           Stabile,  Peggy
       Ford,  Dennis            Michelson,  Douglas       Stark,  Dorothy
       Garner,  John            Moring,  Carla            Starr,  Judy
       Grande,  Anthony         Morley,  Robert           Strauss,  Laurence
       Guho,  Mary  Ann         Moskal,  Katherine       Thomas-Kay,  Therese
       Hagan,  Shirlee          Munroe,  David            Thon,  Gerald
       Hall,  David             Murray,  Bud              Thornton,  Larry
       Henricks,  Robert         Neale,  Steve            Tong,  Jeanne
       Herrick,  Gregory         Newbauer,  Scott         Vincent,  Nancy
       Herrington,  Michael      Newman,  Gary            Walker,  Pamela
       Hinman,  Gary             Panama,  Craig           Warren,  Debra
       Holden,  Teresa           Peckham,  Linda          Weekley,  Richard
       Honadel,  M.  Jeannie     Pepo,  Mike              Weil,  Al
       Honnen,  Charles          Pew,  Peter              Williams,  Val
       Huenink,  Lori            Phillips,  Marilyn       Wisdom,  King
       Hughes,  Bill             Roland,  Dean            Wolter,  Elsie
       Hunt,  Rosemary           Rose,  Anthony
       Jolley,  Robert           Salazar,  Juliet

                             FLOWER  GIRLS

       Kayla  Arnold             Hilary  Larkins          Jennifer  Schreiber
       Jenine  Brown             Jill  Lieberman          Shannon  Schreier
       Melissa  Didrickson       Cindy  Medearis          Krystyn  Stivers
       Melanie  Feeley           Cindy  Obsenares         Kellie  Stockdale
       Nicole  Fox               Monica  Ohlman           Alison  Thatcher
       Julie  Harbison           Kate  Parkin             Kirsten  Thomsen
       Lisa  Jaubert             Desa  Pecel              Linda  Tosetti
       Melissa  Jirele           Stacy  Pointer           Kim  Waters
       Susanne  Justice          Gina  Reddy               Nicole  Weber
       Kim  Kenzel               Erin  Riner              Danielle  Wood
       Kelly  Kepplinger         Michelle  Rocke
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