Page 4 - harrisonscott2004
P. 4
the trees in the mountains.
Maneuvering the switchbacks above Grapevine, he gained
elevation. It was cooler now, and he really didn't worry too much
about overheating as the Mack had a large radiator. Unfortunately,
it was positioned in front of the firewall that separated the motor
from the driver. An uphill climb during a hot day caused the ra-
diator to really heat up. Sometimes the heat was so intense it forced
him to steer the slow moving rig from the running board.
The mountains were beautiful as the last glimmer of daylight
faded from the peaks above. Headlights began to identify the line
The Hotel Lebec (originally the Hotel Durant), located on the Ridge Route, was a
of trucks coming down the grade in the opposite direction. He was
popular destination for Hollywood's rich and famous in the 1920s and 30s. The
glad he wasn't one of them because a fully loaded truck coming hotel was razed in 1971.
down this hill was a force to reckon with. You dare not make a
mistake because it would be the last one you made. cattle grazing on the sides of the hills. The San Andreas Fault
Up ahead was Deadman's Curve, the most dangerous curve. created the very mountains the Ridge Route conquered.
The canyon below was called the "junkyard," testament to the Coming into view now was the opulent Hotel Durant (later re-
many rigs that went over the side. named Hotel Lebec ), built by Clifford Durant, son of William
Truckers gaining too much speed coming down the grade of- Crapo Durant, the founder of General Motors, and Thomas
ten slowed their rigs by rubbing the hard rubber truck tires against 0 'Brien of Bakersfield. It was an imposing structure, all lit up out
the substantial cement curbing because mechanical brakes were in the middle of nowhere. This was the watering hole for the
worthless. This practice did little damage to the tires but inflicted Hollywood elite. The old Teamster wondered what it would be
severe damage to the curbs. like to bed down there for the night, and run into Buster Keaton
As he passed Fort Tejon, he recalled that it was here in 1857 or some other famous star.
that California experienced its worse earthquake. The quake He was still climbing, although Grapevine grade was pretty
caused extensive damage to the fort, and it was said that the jolt much behind him now. As the hotel faded from view, he realized
was so severe that fissures opened, swallowing unsuspecting that he had another 36 miles ahead of him. The speed limit on the
Deadman's Curve was the most notorious curve on the Ridge Route. The canyon below became known as the "junkyard" because of all the cars and trucks that
missed the curve and went over the side of the mountain.
42 September/October 2004 / WHEELS OF TIME