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                                                                                                                                   skirt on a pole emblazoned with: "The Banner Under
                                                                                                                                   Which We Fight." Post-parade was the local saloon.
                                                                                                                                     So - Pot Belly Slough, Henroost Camp, Lousy
                              Story Of  E  Clampas Vitus                                                                           Ravine, One-Eye Diggin's, Petticoat Gulch, Whiskey Hill
                                                                                                                                   and Whiskey Flats, Shirtail Bend and Skunk's Misery -
                                                                                                                                   among many - all heard the call of the Hewgag (a
                                                                                                                                   unique horn that called all Clampers from far and wide,
                                                                                                                                   no matter the time, to meet at the nearest saloon).
               The  members of the  society  of E-Clampus                                                                            With the dwindling of the gold, so with the Order at the
                                                                  From there the Order spread like wildfire through the
             Vitus  - the Clampers,  as they are  known  -                                                                         turn of the century. A chapter in Marysville incorporated
                                                                diggin's. It is said no one could do business anywhere
             bring the spirit of Gold Rush days to the Lang                                                                        in  1915, thus preserving the name.
                                                                unless he was a Clamper.
             station ceremony by appearing in full regalia to
                                                                  In most of the diggin's were the fraternal orders of the
             affix a commemorative plaque in  honor of the
                                                                Oddfellows, Knights T emplar and the like. They often
             occasion.  To those  who  are  not familiar  with
                                                                .held parades in full r"egalia and were followed by the
             the ancient order, Clamper Mac Linton hereby
                                                                Clampers - red shirts, black hats - and carrying a hoop
             explains its  origins.
                                                                                                                                     In the 1920's, Carl I.  Wheat, a California History buff
                                                                                                                                   - recipient of the Wagner Medal from the California
           The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus                                                                      Historical Society - was researching old gold rush
         i!; coeval with the human race, having been founded in                                                                    newspapers in the Sacramento library, and kept running
         the year 4005 B. C. , one year before the Creation. It is                                                                 across accounts of E C  V, and remarked to a reporter of
         now in its 5,981st year of directing man - and shaping                                                                    the Sacramento Bee that it was too bad that this colorful
         women - into the Dawn of Civilization.                                                                                    part of California History was no more.
           The Order's motto is Per Caritate Viduaribus y                                                                            The reporter published a story, and as was - and is
         Orphanibusque, sed Prime Viduaribus (For the                                                                              - customary, it was reprinted throughout the diggin's,
         Protection of Widows and Orphans, but Primarily the                                                                       including Sierra City, where Adam Lee Moore read it.
         Widows).                                                                                                                  Moore was the last living Noble Grand Humbug of the
           The seeds of the order came to the colonies. Some                                                                       Order and keeper of the secrets and records. He got in    The Order has two by-laws:  (1) All members are
         chapters may have existed in West Virginia and                                                                            touch with Wheat and as a result, the Order was revived   officers, and, (2)  All officers serve with equal indignity.
         elsewhere, spreading to the Midwest in the early part of                                                                  in about 1932 in Verba Buena (San Francisco) and        There are no excuses for non-attendance at
         the 19th century.                                                                                                         Platrix (Los Angeles) .                                 clampfunctions. A true Clamper never has wider trouble
           It is recorded that Joseph Zumwalt, born July 15, 1800                                                                    The revival grew slowly with a few chapters in        - neither his wife's birthday, his daughter's wedding nor
         in Boone County, Kentucky, responded to the call of the                                                                  Hangtown, Nevada City, Sonora, etc., but since 1950      any debility prevents his answering the call of the
         California gold rush, and in 1849, with wife and most of                                                                 the Order has again spread like wildfire. There are now   Hewgag.
         his 14 children, began his trek by ox-cart to the Mother                                                                 28 chapters in every part of California and two in         The principal officers in each chapter are the Noble
         Lode.                                                                                                                    Nevada.                                                 . Grand Humbug, a Grand Noble Recorder, a Gold Dust
           Stopping for directions in Bowling Green, Missouri, he                                                                                                                          Receiver, the Damnfool Doorkeeper and other
         entered a newspaper office and picked up a manuscript                                                                                                                             functionaries.
         and read it. It was the ritual of E  C  V. He kept a copy.                                                                                                                          The Order is governed by a Grand Council which
           The Zumwalts arrived in New Helvetia (now                                                                                                                                       consists of the Sublime Noble Grand Humbug, a
         Sacramento) on September 5, 1849. From there                                                                               From Platrix alone, which once included all of         Vice-Sublime NGH, the Sublime Recorder and 15
         Zumwalt proceeded toHangtown (now Placerville), and                                                                      Southern California, three chapters have split off - Peter   Clamprocters. The Grand Council meets annually at
         established the settlement of Zumwalt (now Grimminger' s                                                                 Lebec, Bakersfield; John P. Squibob, San Diego, and      Murphy's Camp, California, a beautiful village and
         Cold Springs) nearby. From there he traveled all over the                                                                Billy Holcomb, San Bernardino. Platrix now includes Los   former gold camp near Angels Camp in the Mother
         diggin's.                                                                                                                Angeles, Orange, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties,     Lode.
           Wherever he went, he attempted to initiate PBC's                                                                       with a toe-hold in San Luis Obispo.   .                    In the words of .Michener: "It is so beautiful one could
         (Poor Blind Candidates) into Clamperdom. The first                                                                         All chapters hold treks of one kind or another and     never exhaust its variety, so provocative and evocative
        chapter of E C  V to be established is in dispute - an                                                                    Clampers may join more than one chapter, or, without     that it can never be fully understood - a masterpiece of
         early effort in Hangtown was unsuccessful. Claims are                                                                    joining, attend most functions. All chapters install     concept and execution."
        still made by Downieville and nearby Sierra City, and                                                                     historical landmarks, many of which are registered with    Credo quia absurdum.
         even by Tuleberg (now Stockton), but there is no doubt                                                                   the state.
        that a chapter was begun in September, 1851, in the jail
        at Mokelumne Hill.
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