Page 6 - fecm201920winter
P. 6

Bookstore Items

                  The Museum bookstore has some wonderful new items.

                                                                              The Boys In The Sky-Blue Pants
                           The  Museum  has  received  several  boxes  of
                           The  Boys in  the  Sky-Blue Pants,  by Dorothy
                           Cragen (a former Museum Director), and the
                           books are for sale. Long thought to be out of
                           print,  this  book  fills  a  singular  niche  in  re-
                           counting  U.S.  military  presence  in  the  Ow-
                           ens Valley during and after the Civil War.

                                                                                The Union Troops At Camp Independence
                                                                              Preserved Peace ln The Owen1 Valley-Nevada-Utah
                  The Museum also _has new T-shirts, each featuring one of four outstanding baskets from the
                  Museum's collection of Native American baskets from the area.

                  For the young ones, there is a wide collection of chlldren's stuffed animals, mostly local spe-

                 And when  you visit the Museum, don't forget to check out the sale shelf for great deals on last-
                 chance items.

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