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                 the  op9os1ng  .fana.  An7  lEites  resulting  trom  the

                 tan-dam1ng  of  this  stream  would  lead  a  Ver,'  tenuous

                 existenoe,  subject  to  sudden  encroachment,  or  even

                 complete  filling  by  the  coarse  debris  oarr1ed  by

                 cloudburst  waters.

                               At  the  point  Seo.  2  (45-29)              a  small  cliff

                 exposes  drag-folded  Mint  Canyon  sediments.  These

                 minor  tlexures  represent  a  t~e  of  contemporaneous

                 deformation  which  ooourred  before  the  beds  had  been

                 oonsolidated.  This  looal1ty  lies  along  the  southern

                 edge  of  the  deltaio  zone  suggested  on  the  previous  page.

                               Although  an  inoomplete  vertebrate  fauna  has

                 been  collected  from  several  looalit1ee  1:mmod1ately

                 adjoining  the  mapped  area  to  the  northeast  and  north,

                 no  fossils  were  found  in  Mint  Canyon  rocks  within  the

                 territory  under  discussion  here.  However,  there  can be

                        (4  •  '10  facilitate  the  accurate  location  of  points
                 on  the  base  map,  tbs  coordinate  system  1n  common  use  by
                 the  armed  forces  is  here  superimposed  on  the  already-
                 ex1at1ng  land  otf1oe  grid  of  aeotion  lines.  This  method
                 subdivides  the  vertical  and  horizontal  lines  of  a  grid
                 square  into  hundredths.  Measurement  is  made  from  a  zero
                 point  corresponding  to  the  lower  lefthand  oorne1\ __ of  the
                 grid  square.  The  notation  in parentheses  lists  flrst  the
                 distance  horizontally  to  the  right  of  this  zero  point.
                 and  then  the  distance  vertically  upward  to  the  loe~t1on

                        Beoause  all  points  thus  listed  in this  report  will
                 lie  within  the  confines  of  the  area mapped,  t01fnah1p
                 or  range  designations  will  preoeded  the  seotion  nl.lBlber
                 only  when  necessary  to  prevent  any  m1a1nterpretat1on.
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