Page 3 - danhon_parade1988
P. 3

Pages                            The Signal/Fourth of July                  July 1,l?U:

      Omtinuol ~ "' ~6                                               - grccn"-unifonn  and  ·people  arc -still
      when  there either was no parade oc it                          asking,  even  today,  "Who  was  that
      was not run on lhe Founh. Paradclcss                            good  looking  sttan~.r'?"
      years were 1937 and  1938. as were the                           The beer keg bringing up the rear wa.,
      war )'CMS from  1942 through  1945. In                          furnished  by  the  canyon  Countzy
      1973. the Fourth fell  on  II  Wednesd4y                        <::hamber of Commerce. The NcwhaJJ.
      but the celebration was put orr 10 Slllur·                      Saugus-Valencia  €hambcr  was  too
      day so  that the  Parade could  compli·                         busy pulling up the stands for one of the
      mcnt  that ycar·s rodeo. However. lhc                           biggest  Rodeos  this  Valley  has  ever
      ini1111wble  13obbie  Trueblood.  now                           seen, to participate in this rump ycr:slon
      Bol>lue Davis. following whnt  he  w                            of their cxuuvagnnza, except at the end
      as  a family and  commumty trudilion,                           when the keg was Ulppcd. Good natured
      wanted a JJarJdc on the Founh. Many                             rivalry  came  to  a head  when  II  was
                                                                      found that nobody could slakctils or her
       So,  on Wednesday  morning,  11bou1
                                                                      thirst. The liquid in the keg  IUmed  to
      on  hundred  rifly  folk  snthcrcd  111                         roam  while  being  rolled  a!Qng  Son
      Lyons Avenue and San Fcnwndo Road.                              Fernando  Road!  By  the  way,  11  few
      A palanquin mugiclllly appeared  with
                                                                      years later, Bobble's son, Fred Ill, rnn
      six bearers in tow. Bobbie mounted the                          the  parade  and  the  eolcbralion.
      swaying  vcl1I le,  11  couple of buglcn
      and   dmmmer  stepped  ofT  nd  the                              Toe  trodlUon  morchcs  on.  '11tls
      pnrndc,  without  permit  or  trufn                             ycnr's parodo wlll be the blgcstond best
      control.  wended  it~  way  down· the                           ycL"ChoirwomonJlll Klojlcsays. ''II ~
      middle of Snn Fcrcnando Road to Hwt                             fun  to  be  l)3rt of the history of smoll
      Pmk. TI1crc  was  II  man  nuucl1ing on                         10wn  America  and  I hope that  as  our
      crutches along slclc or 1he pal1111quln in                      Valley  gro~s.  the  lllldlllon  of  the
      his World War Two officer"s "pink and                           Fourth  of July  will  live  on."

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