Page 11 - cp19440909
P. 11

,,                  J  ' '  ~J
           / ·_·

                   1   ... during  administra-tion  from  any  proper·l;y  herein  specifically  devised
                       ·· or  bequeathed  shall become · a  part  of  my  genero.l  estate;  and  that all

                   3    expe_ns0s  of  maintenance  incm•red  du1•ing  a.dminstr·ation · of  tho  i.•eo.l
                   4    pi."operty  herein  specifically  c.levised  shall  be  from  the  residue

                   5    of  my  estate.
           :::.;(.,':.:·;. -·. · .. ~ ..  ;.' _ _.:· .. >: ·::   TENTH:   Should  any  1,>art.,  cl':1-use,  prov:l.oion  o:i:•  conu.i tion oJ.'

               .   ·7   'this ' VJill  be  hold  to  bo  void.,  inv~lld  nnuio1•  illOpON1.tivo.,  thon  :C
             •1 ,  I  •
                   8    direct  thut  ouch  invulicli ty  shu.11  not;  o.f1'ect  o.ny  othor  clo.uoo,  p:i.•o-

                   9    violon  conu:i.:liion  horoof,  l,ut  tho  renw.inclor- of  th1o  ilill  ~huJ:
                  lQ    be  oti'ooti vo  as  tho\.\c;h  such  void  clo.ti,oe,  pi•o_vir..i on  and/or  conui tion
                  11·  ..  had  not;  boon  contuinocl  ho1•oin.  1):r•oviu0u,  howovor,  ·t;hat  iri  tho  ovon1~
                  12-   O.llY  p1•ovi~ ion  heroin{;)U  in  1'0.vo1•  oi'  uny  uoviGoo  01.·  loc:;a'l;oo   1

                  13    shall  1>0  invalicla tad,  or  wholly  01•  ;pur·tinlly  inopo1•u·~i vo,  01'  ~1hulJ.
                  14    lupso  01·  fo.11,  or  'bo  uclju.<.lo;otl  nonen:Co1•coo.ulo,  :L'u1·  ~1y  1•uu:-;on  v,hat-

             ...   15    soovo:i.•,  ·thon  uuch  po:r.•tion  of  111y  which  ::iuch ·c.lovi::ioo  01•  lc.11;;,i-
            ..     '  .   ., . ·'··
                  lo     too  io  pi•ovontod  .from  r•oooivln~  on  uccount;  U10rooi'  :ilrnll  'bo  unoc.l
                  17  . ·  nnd  ohull  go  o.nd  be  distr-ibuted  us  Ii  part  of  tho  r•o.oiduo  of  1,1y  os-
                  18  .  "  n~  pr•ov:Ldod  in  pur•ue,1•  ::iovonth  horoof.

                  10                f:U:V:1,:}!'.L'lIJ.  Xn  tho  ovont  any  tloV:lfJOO  o:i.·  lO[Suteo  ~hull  fail
                  20     to  survive  distribution  to. ouch  cloviooo  or  logutoo  than  and  in  that

                  21     ovont  f;Uch  dovi::io  Ol"  boquoot,  which  woulu.  ot;ho:i:•wi:.:o  llo  d:L:Jtl•ibut-
                  22,    o.blo  to  nuch  tloviooe  or  loentee,  shall  lo.p::io  ru1c.l  nuch  dovioo  or  bo-

                  ;;,.;i   quo:l'b  1.1hull  uo  t1::iod  Lln<l  ::iho.ll  eo  mHl  Lo  ui1.1t1·lul\tc,u.  u:.i  o.  pw•t;  ul'  Lll ,
                .  24 '  I   ·x-oo1cluo  ,of my  ootato _no  .p1•ovidod  in  pu1•acrt.1ph  i.Jovol1th  ho:r-O01' •
            ..  -               . :r- ·,
                  .25               'l'WEI.Pl'H:   I  ho:r.•o'by  <l.oclo.r•o  thn t  I  huvo  oxocutod  \'1111 1
                        with .full  knoVlledGO  of  tho  1•00 tr-ictiono  and  lim:l. tutiolrn  providod  I
                  2/1    fo"J:•  1n  A1•ticlu  II,  Chuptor•  l,  D1v1nlun  l  of  ·~ho  l'.i:·obato  Godo  01~  tJw

            .  :  .,  28   Sto. te  oi.'  Cul1i'o:im1o.  now  1n  1.'o:i:•co  un<l  o fi'oct  l1m:l. tiii~  tho  poi• l;ion  oi:
                I      •  1ny  wh1_ch  l\l(.I.Y  lugo.lly  Lo  ui::.ipo:.iou  01'  l'o:i.•  cll.u:r•l:~o.Llu  lJUl'.(H>::s.:.i::i,  •
             ...   30    nnd  I  horoby  direct  tho.·t;  nll  pll.•oi;,orty  uoc1uvuthod  or•  u.oviso<.l  con-
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