Page 21 - cocedmasterplan20162022
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              ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT                                                                                            CHAPTER 1 – BACKGROUND

              •   Partner with the Business Entrepreneurship
                 Center (BEC) to increase service coverage for
                 entrepreneurs and business owners with one-
                 on-one consulting and trainings in the Santa
                 Clarita and Antelope valleys.
              •   Partner with the City of Santa Clarita to
                 launch the Santa Clarita Business Incubator
                 (SCBI) in 2015.  The SBDC is an integral part
                 of the program, actively working with SCBI
                 residents to create local economic impact.
              •   In the 2014-2015 program year the SBDC
                 was instrumental in helping clients create and
                 retain 315 local jobs and assisted companies
                 in securing $14.8 million in capital for startup
                 and expansion.
              The Santa Clarita AJCC provides services spon-
              sored through the federal Workforce Innovation
              and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and administered
              by the County of Los Angeles Workforce Develop-
              ment Board (WDB).

              College of the Canyons took over the day-to-day   of employment that are underdeveloped and   DEPUTY SECTOR NAVIGATORS
              operations of the center in 2012 after submitting a   partner with college departments to develop   In 2014 as part of the “Doing What Matters”
              successful bid to the City of Santa Clarita. Services   and obtain approval for programs to meet   initiative from the state Chancellor’s Office, each
              are focused on helping employers to fill their open   those needs.                          region hosts a number of industry specific Deputy
              positions with qualified candidates and helping job   •   Investigate regional approved training offer-  Sector Navigators (DSNs). The DSNs serve as in-
              seekers to connect to sustainable employment by   ings and evaluate them for suitability for use in   region contact for an industry sector, working with
              giving them access to employment resources, as-   WIOA-approved training services offered.  the region’s colleges and employers to create align-
              sisting them with training to update/upgrade their   •   Partner with public and private organizations   ment around and deliver on workforce training and
              marketability, and connecting them directly to the   to provide veterans and differently-abled clients  career pathways.
              employers that need them.                         with the services they need to obtain meaning-
                                                                ful employment.                           •   We were selected to host Deputy Sector
              AREAS OF FOCUS                                •   In the 2014-2015 program year, AJCC assisted   Navigators for the following industry sectors:
              •   Assist employers in filling current and       over 12,000 visitors and assisted 84 percent of   •   Advanced Manufacturing
                 upcoming employment needs.                     them in finding employment.               •   Health Workforce
                                                                                                          •   Information Communication Technology/
              •   Meet with local employers to determine areas                                                Digital Media

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