Page 19 - coccanyoncall_fy19731974
P. 19

State  Board  Approves  $935,000

             For  Planned  Voe-Tech  Building

            Construction  funds  totalling   building  will  be  located  south
          $935,000  for  a  Vocational-Tech-  and  east of the  William G.  Bonel-
          nical  building at  COC  have  been   li  Center.  n·ow  nearing  c omple-
          released  by  the  State  Public   tion.
          Works  Board in Sacramento.        Completion  of  the  building
            The  state  money  will  provide   will  provide  necessary  facili-
          83.6  per  cent  of  the  total  cost   ties  for  comprehensive  programs
          of  the  building  and  equipment.   in  shop-related  occupational  ed-
          with  the  remainder  provided  by   ucation.  according  to  Robert
          district  taxpayers  for  a  total   Pollock. dean of vocational-
          outlay of $1.119,090.           technical education.
            Release  of  the  funds  repre-  The  building  will  provide  a
          sents  fulfillment  of  the  Voe-  permanent  home  for  the  existing
         Tech  project  which  the  adminis-  auto  and  motorcycle  programs
         tration  of  this  college  has  been   and  electronics.  and  will  enable
         working  on  strenuously and  tena-  COC  to  offer  new  programs  in
         ciously  for  more  than  two  and  a   auto  body.  welding>  appliance
         half  years.  said  Robert  Berson.   repair  and  commercial  air  con-
         assistant  superintendent.  busi-  ditioning.  plastics.  quality  con-
         ness services.                   trol.  home  economics  (clothing),
            "Only  last  spring  the  obsta-  home  maintenance,  and  sales
         cles  to  the  Voe-Tech  project   and  marketing-distributive  edu-
         seemed insurmountable.''he said.   cation.
            The  Voe-Tech  project  will  be   The  present  auto  shop  will
         advertised  for  bids  in  January   be  turned  over  to  exclusive  use
         and  it  is  expected  that  a  con-  by  the  maintenance  department
         tract  will  be  a warded  next .Feb-  as originally planned.
         ruary.                              The  project  will  include  am-
            Plans  call  for  completion  of   ple  parking  space  and  storage
         construction by  June.  1975.  with   in an enclosed compound.
         instruction  scheduled  to  start  in   Part  of  the  Voe-Tech  build-
         the  fall  term.  1975.          ing  is designed  to  take  a  second
            T h e  on e-s t o r y  V o c-T e c h   story for  future  expansion.

                                             The  IRC  had  current  as  well
           Here's  Aid  For               as  back issues  of  magazines  and
                                          newspapers.  The  current  maga-
          That Term Paper                 zines  and  newspapers  are  in  the
                                          reading room. Back issues of
                                          magazines are  kept  either  in
                 By Nona Yates
                                         · their  original  paper  form  or  on
            When  you  are  doing  a  term   microfiche  (a  card  rather  than   Judy  Miller,  resplendent  in  a  fashionable  hard-hat,  stands  on  roof  of
         paper. you  will usually use books   roll .film).  Ifyoune-edaback   IRC.  In  background  is  present  campus  from  which  four  temporary  build-
         for  information.  What  you  may   issue  of  a  magazine.  write  the   ings  wi II  be  removed  soon.
         not  re a 1 i.z e  is  th at  there  are   title  and  issue  on  a  request  form
         other sources  of  information just   and  give  it  to  the  person  at  the   BONELLI  CENTER    machines.  music.  PE  activity
         as  good  as.  and  sometimes  bet-  circulation  desk.  He  or  she  will   (~ont'd. from  Page  1)   classes.  biology  lab,  and  elec-
         ter  than.  books.  Some  of  these   either  bring  you  the  magazine  or   history.  real .estate.  oral  com-  tronics.
         are  pamphlets.  reprints.  college   show you where the microfiche is   munications.  psychology,  soci-  Meanwhile. several  of the  por-
         catalogs.  magazines and  special   located  and  how  to  use  the  mi-  ology. English, economics. learn-  structures  in  use  now  on
         reference  and  reserve  materials.   crofiche readers.           ing  skills,  American  studies.   the  present  campus  will  come
            Some  of these  sources are bet-  Pamphlets.  reprints.  maga-  supervision  management.  com-  down.These t  n c 1 u de  the  IRC
         ter  than  books  because  they  are   zines  and  newspapers  are  major   munication  services,  and  philos-  (library) building. three segments
         more  specific.  If  you're  doing  a   sources  of  information  and  can   ophy.                 of  the  "F" complex  (faculty  of-
         paper on  how  to  make  toothpicks.   b e  u s e d in c on j u n c t i on  with   Most  faculty  offices  are  lo-  fices).  most of "G"  bu i 1 ding.
         for  instance.  you  would  have  to   books.  There  are  also  other  sup-  cated  on  the  Second  Floor  which   and  al 1 of "C" building.
         look  through  quite  a  few  books   plemental or specialsources such   also  will  house  the  secretarial   Portions  of  the  area  vacated
         to  find  specific  information.  But   as  college  catalogs.  reserve  ma-  services  area,  a  library  reading   by  the  removal  of these structures
         if you looked in the Reader's    terials.  reference  materials,  vo-  room.  another  reading  room  ded-  may  be  converted to  game  courts
         Guide  to  Peri.odical  Litera,ture,   e at ion a 1 materials. and  many   icated to William  G. Bonelli. late   to  compensate  for  loss  of  courts
         you  might  find  an article  dealing   others.                   board  member  for  whom  the  IRC   at  the  eastern  upper  level  due
         w it h  t hat s  p e c ific  to pie. The                          is  named.  a  business  machines   to  construction  of  the  PE  com-
         Reader's  Guide  is  an  index  to                               ,room.  typing  room.  and  a  study   plex.
         magazines  of general  interest  in   ASB  Plans  Art  Show       room.                              Instructors  who  are  assigned
         the United States and  is arranged                                  C 1 asses meeting  in  three   new  offices  in  the  IRC  include
         alphabetically  by  author  and     The  Associated Student  Body   rooms  on  the Third Floor include   William  Baker.  Dr.  Ted  collier.
         subject.                         plans to sponsor an  art show.  the   French,  German,  Spanish,  po-  D on n a  D avid s on,  Jodi Shul 1 •
            This  is  not  author  and  sub-  first at COC open to all students.   licescience, biologicalsciences.   George Guernsey, Tom  Lawrence.
         ject  of  one  magazine.  but  of  in-  faculty. administrators, and  staff.   HPER.  mathematics,  and  library   Richard  Clemence.  Lee  Corbin.
         dividual  articles  within  a  maga-  in February. announced Rick Sig-  technology.               Cherie  Choate.  Patricia  Steele.
         zine. The  entry  gives  the  title  of   noretti.  day  senator.  Tentative   The Third Floor will also con-  Don  Hellrigel.  Gary  Valentine.
         the  article.  the  name  and  issue   dates are Feb.  15.  16,  17.   tain  a  career  study  center.  fac-  Rom an Teixeira. Steve Cerra.
         of  the  magazine  in  which  it  ap-  Each  exhibitor  may  enter  up   ulty  offices.  microfiche  reading   Don Heidt. Doris Coy. Betty  Lid,
         pears. and the  pages.           to  five  pieces  in  any  art  form   rooms.  faculty  study  room.  and   Ann  Heidt.  Gretchen  Thomas.
            These  materials  may  also  be   except  multi-media  works  such   principally.  the  circulation (book   Dr.  Elfie  Hummel.  Betty Spilker.
         more  useful  because  they  are   as  films.  slides. and  recordings.   stacks) area of the IRC.   Roger  Basham.  Winston  Wutkee.
         usually  more  current  than  books.   Acceptable  media  include  paint-  The  IRC  contains  two  eleva-  Tony  Remenih.  Hazel  Carter.
            To  find  a  pamphlet  for  your   ing.   needlework.  sculpturing.   tors.  one  for  service  only.  and   Sherwood  Holland.  Hank Endler.
         paper  on  tooth picks  you  would   metal  and  wood  working.  and   the  other  for  faculty  and  handi-  and Dale Smith.
         first  find  what  subject  it  is  list-  ceramics among others.   capped  students  only.  Students   Remaining temporarily in "F"
         ed  under  (through  the  card  cata-  Artists  may  off er  their  works   will  use  an  east  or  west  stair-  building  are  Robert  Downs.  Dr.
         log).  go to the  books  on  that sub-  for  sale  at  the  show.  Winners  in   way  starting  on  the  First  Floor.   Robert  Freeman.  Stan  Weikert,
         ject  and  the  pamphlets  will  be   various  categories  will  be  se-  Classes  that  will  not  be  con-  Jim Boykin, Don Takeda. and
        . in orange boxes in  the  same  area   lected by  a  panel  of  judges  from   ducted  in  the  new  IRC  building   Mike Gillespie. Lee Smelser.
         as  the  books.  You  can  find  a  re-  the  California  Institute  of  the   include  chemistry.  physics.  art.   Larry  Reisbig.  and  Monty  Cart-
         print  on  the  subject  in  the  re-  Arts.  Winners  will  receive  gift   most  business  classes  such  as   wright  will  continue  to  occupy
         print files.                     certificates.                   typing.  shorthand.  and  business   offices in the  PE building.   ·
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