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         Vol. IV, No.  4                                COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS                                         November  16,  1973

                                                                                                          CARL  BOYER  IS

                                                                                                             NEW  TRUSTEE

                                                                                                              Carl  Boyer,  history  and  gov-
                                                                                                           ernment  teacher  at  San  Fernan-
                                                                                                           do  High  School,  is  the  newest
                                                                                                           and  youngest  member  of  COC 's
                                                                                                           Board of Trustees.
                                                                                                              Boyer  defeated  six  candi-
                                                                                                           dates,  receiving  2,646  of  slight-
                                                                                                           ly  more  than  9,000  ballots  cast
                                                                                                           in the  district  in the  Nov.  6
                                                                                                              The  36-year-old  teacher  who
                                                                                                           asserts  he  ''cannot  afford  to  ig-
                                                                                                           nore  community  problems  and
                                                                                                           intends to do what  I  can to solve
                                                                                                           them,'' seeks positive solutions'.'
                                                                                                              Two of his  primary  objectives
                                                                                                           are  to  help  complete  construc-
                                                                                                           tion on  this campus  and  to strive
                                                                                                           to  "cut  the  property  tax  rate
                                                                                                           which  is  twice  as  high  as· else-
                                                                                                              "I  will  give  full  support  to
                                                                                                           the  construction  program  and  to
                                                                                                           the  growth  of  this  college  be-
                                                                                                           cause  conti nued  growth  will en-
                                                                                                           able  us  to  take  full  advantage  of
         The  eyes  tell  it  all  as  Rosanne  Nocciolo  is  crowned  Homecoming  Queen  for  1973-74.  Sue  Franck,  last   state  financial  aid,  thus  reduc-
         year's  popular  queen, p!!tces  !he_ crown  on  the  good-looking  green-eyed  blonde.   Princesses   were   Joni
                                                                                                           ing  the  burden  on  local  taxpay-
         Ingram,   Karen Berson, and  Jill Bedford.
                                                                                                           ers," he  said.
                                                                                                              The  new  board  member  plans
        RO  NOCCIOLO,  GREEN-EYED  AND  BLONDE                                                             to  ex pl ore  the  possibility  of  ob-
                                                                                                           taining  more  state  aid  for  the
         REIGNS  AS  1973-74  HOMECOMING  QUEEN                                                            at the  state  equalization  formula
                                                                                                              ''I want  to  take  a  close  look
                                                                                                           because  I  think  we  may  be  able
                                                                                                                 (Cont'd.  on  Page  2)
                                         Bergquist, and  Scott  Hayes,  with   sic  instructor  and  band  leader,
                By Judi Conklin
                                         willy  Peters  squiring  Miss  Noc-  swinging on  the clarinet  and
           College  of the Canyons' 1973-  ciolo.                         Dave  Petrie  paradiddl ing  on  the
        74  Homecoming  Queen  is  a  gor-  The  entire  Homecoming  pro-  drums.                           New Vets Club
        geous  green-eyed,  long-haired   gram, chaired by  Jan Moore,  was   To  conclude  with  a  "now"
        blonde  who  is  becoming  accus-  the  best  yet,  with  an  unexpected   sound,  the  band  played  "Free",   Boosts  2 Bills
        tomed to reigning.               added  touch  titillating the  large   a  tune  made  famous  by  "Chica-
           She  is  Rosanne  Nocciolo,  5   crowd  when  aerial  bombs  sig-  go'', a  large rock combo.          By Chuck Crawley
         feet  4  inches  tall  and  weighing   nalled  the  crowning  of  Miss   The  suspense  as  to  which  of
         119  pounds,  who  when  asked  for   Nocciolo  by  last  year's  popular   the  four  highly  eligible  coeds   There  is  a  new  organization,
         her measurements  confessed  she   Queen, Sue  Franck.           had  been  voted  queen  ended   the  Veterans club, on campus  this
         didn't know!                       The  gala half-time  show   when  Duan e  Nichols,  Associa-  fall. Students  who are  veterans  or
           M i s s  N o c c i o l o  w as  Hart   kicked  off  by  the  college  band   (Cont'd.  on  Page  3)   are  interested  in  veterans'  af-
        High's  Homecoming  Queen  for   swinging  with  "Fanfare"  and       COC's  annual  Turkey  Trot   fairs,  are  urged  to  get acquainted
         basket b a 11  and  Homecoming   "Semper Fidelis."                 for  men  and  women  will  be   with  Curt  Davis,  COC's  new  vet-
         Princess for  football in 1971-72.   An  unusual  touch  was  pro-  held  at  4  p.m.,  Monday  (Nov.   erans,  affairs  advisor,  in  Room
         ·  She  and  a  photogenic  court   vided  by  bagpipers  Chris  Car-  19), starting  on  the  upper foot-  S-4.
         of  Princesses,  as  delectable  a   son,  and  Brian  Wilcher  who  ac-  ball  field. Winners  will  be  de-  Anyone who has  dealt  with  the
         covey  of  dolls  as  you'll  find   companied   a  bonnie  Scottish   clared  in  four  divisions--men   Veterans  Administration  knows
         anywhere,  reigned  during  half-  lass  named  Sandy  Grant  in  a   and  women  up to  29  years  old   what  a  hassle  all  the  rules  and
         time  festivities  last  Saturday   liv e ly  highland  fling  called   and  men  and  women  30  and   regulations  can  be  to  someone
         night  at  the  Cougars-Santa  Bar-  ''Bania Breakdown".          over.                           not  familiar with them.
         bara  City  College  football  game   The  Baja  Bums,  a  segment   The  race,  1.8  miles  long,   One  of  the  main  purposes  of
         which,  unfortunately,  the  Cou-  of the band,  toe-ta pp e d  the   is  open  to  students,  faculty,   the  c lub  is  to  provide  representa-
         gars  lost by a  score  of 20-14.   crowd  with  ''Crippled  Inside,''   and  staff.  An  additional  'tur-  tion,  information,  and  assistance
           The  Princesses  were  Jill   and  in a  tribute  to the  late drum-  k e y  w i l l  b e  aw a rd e d  by  a   on  campus  to  veterans.  The  c lub
         Bedford,  Karen  Berson,  and Joni   mer,  Gen e  Krupa,  the  entire   drawing among all  partici-  will  assimilate  all  that's  going
         Ingram.  Their  escorts,  res pec-  band  per for med  ''S i ng,  Sing   pants.                   on  in  the  way  of  new  legislation,
         tively,  were  Jeff  Sacher,  PetP   Sing",  ·with  Robert  Downs,  mu:                                (Cont'd.  on  Page  3)
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