Page 22 - coccanyoncall_fy19721973
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            Dr.  Ro, kwell  Calls  COC

            Bond  Ele,tion  "Bargain"

         ''The Feb. 6 bond election for    In  addition,  the  money  now
      $8  million  means  everything  to   spent  for  renting  of  temporary
      the  future  of  College  of  the  Can-  classrooms, laboratory buildings,
      yons,"  declared  Dr.  Robert  C.   and  faculty  and  administration
      Rockwell,  superintendent-presi-  offices  on  campus  will  go,  in-
      dent.                             stead, to  pay for  permanent  build-
         District  voters  must  decide  if   ings,  he  pointed  out.
      they  are  to  have  a  first  or  sec-  ''Lower taxes will  be  required
      ond  rate  college,  he  said.    to build  permanent buildings than
         "The  election  will  determine   are  now  levied  to  pay  for  the
      the  course  of  our  college  for  the   temporary  leased structures," he
      next  decade."                    said.
         Approval  of  the  bond  election   Local  taxpayers  currently  pay
     · will  enable  COC  to  provide  its   about  20  cents  of  the  tax  rate
      share  of  matching  funds  for   for  rental of temporary structures.
      $11. 2  million  already  allocated   County  officials  estimate  that
      by  the  state  to  construct  per-  the  maximum  tax rate for  the  pro-
      manent  buildings  on  the  local   posed bonds will not  exceed  17. 2
      campus.                           cents.
         The  state's  share  represents   In  addition, Dr.  Rockwell
                                        pointed  out,  the  current  20  cent
                                        levy  is  not  fixed  and,  in  fact,
                                        may  be  increased  in  the  future  if
                                        COC  remains  in  its  temporary
                                        building  stat us.
                                           "Our  present  facilities  are
                                        already  jammed,',  he  said.  "In
                                        the  normal  course  of  growth,  ad-  First permanent  building at  COC  is  the  William G.  Bonelli  Instructional
                                                                          Resource  Center  now  under  construction.  The  four-level  building  will
                                        ditional  temporary  structures will
                                        be  required  if  permanent  build-  be  ready  by  next  winter.
                                        ings  are  not  constructed  now.
                                        Conceivably, itwillbe necessary      New  Bone I Ii  Center  To  Serve
                                        to  increase  the  tax  levy  for  COC
                                        by  another  10  cents  in  a  year  or
                                        so if the  bond  issue  fails."            All  Citizens  In  District
                                           "All  our  planning,  building,
                                        and  work  up  to  now  to  make  Col-
                                        lege  of  the  Canyons  a  first-rate   College  of  the  Canyons'  first   for  practice  in  French,  German,
                                        institution is  on  the  line  on  Feb.   permanent  building,  the  William   and  Spanish.
                                        6,1'  concluded  Dr.  Rockwell.   G. Bone11i Instructional Resource   In  the  audio  laboratory  the
                Dr.  Rockwe II                                            Center  (IRC\  is  under  construc-  student  will  listen  to  tape  cas-
                                                                          tion  and  wi11  be  ready  by  next   settes  in  music  and  math,  for
       80  per  cent  of  the  eligible  cam-                             winter.                          instance, and others wi11  practice
       pus  constructton  cost 9 .          local  Chambers                 The  center,  a  $2,560,000  pro-
         State  voters  approved  a  $160                                                                  speeches  in  enclosed  booths.
       million  community  college  con-  U rge  "Yes"  Vote              ject,  both  structurally  and  phil-  The  instant  response  class-
                                                                          osophically,  will  be  at  the  heart
       struction  bond  act  in  the  Nov.  7                             of  the  campus.  In  addition  to  its   room  wi11  contain  facilities  for
       general  election.  The  $11..2  mil-                              library containing 25,000 volumes,   multimedia  presentations  with
       non  is  COC's  share--if  local    The  Newhall-Saugus-Valencia                                    films,  slides,  TV,  and  audio.
       voters  approve  the  bond  election   and the Canyon Country chambers   the  IRC  will  provide  numerous   Desks  in  this  room  wi11  be
       on  Feb.  6.                     of  commerce  urge  a  ''YES"  vote   instructional  and  informational   equipped  with  pushbuttons  en-
         If  not,  the  $$11.2  million will   for  the  Feb.  6  bond  election  to   services available to all citizens   abling  students  to  answer  ques-
       go  to  conduct  some  other  com-  complete College of the Canyons.   of  the  Santa  Clarita  Community   tions  electronically  either during
       munity  college in  the  state.     "After  careful  analysis,  our   College  Di strict  as  we]]  as  stu-  lectures  or  examinations.  The
         Dr.  Rockwell  asserts  that  if   board  of  directors  has  voted  to   dents.                  instructor  reads  the  responses
       voters  understand  the  economics   support  the  bond  issue/'  said   Initially,  space  in  the  four-  on  a  master  console.
       of  the  election,  it  will  be  vir-  W.E.  Black,  president of the New-  level  structure  will  be  shared  by   On  the  third  level  students
       tually  impossible  for  them  to   hall-Saugus-Valencia  CC.      13   classrooms,  five  seminar   may  read  or  study  at  the  carre11s
       turn  d own  what  he  terms  the   "The  board  feels  that  com-  rooms,  a  testing  room,  and  fac-  and  tables  in  the  reading  room.
       ''best  bargain  imaginable  for   pletion  of  the  college  will  in-  ulty  offices.  Later,  virtually  all   Paperbacks,  bestse11ers,  and
       local  taxpayers."               crease  the  quality  of  education   the  space  in  the  IRC  will  be   records  will  be  available  for
          ''How  often  does  the  public   here  and  add  economic  value  to   used  for  instructional  resource   checkout  on  this  floor.
       get  a  chance  to  vote  for  $8  mil-  the  entire  community  particularly   services.              Additional rooms wi11  be equip-
       lion  and  receive  an  additional   in  view  of  the  availability  of   The  study  skills  laboratory   ped  for  business  machines  prac-
       $11. 2  million  for  nothing?"  he   state  funds  ($11. 2  million)  for   on  the  second  level  wi11  provide   tice,  typing,  research,  drafting,
       said.                            permanent building construction:'   help  to  students  in  reading,  vo-  small  group  study,  and  reading.
                                          Dan  Hon,  president  of Canyon   cabulary,  spe11ing,  writing,  out-  The  fourth  level  will  house
            THE CANYON CALL             Country CC, said his group voted   lining,  math,  listening,  speak-  stacks for  books,  pamphlets,
                                        to reaffirm its stand that  ''a com-  ing,  study  techniques,  and  or-  cassettes,  filmstrips,  and  film
         Published  twice  monthly  by  students
         at  College  of  the  Canyons.  Editorial   munity  college  is  an  absolute   ganization.  Tutors  will  be  avail-  loops,  the  various  reference  ser-
         opinions  expressed  in  this  publication
         are  those  of  the  writer  and  not  neces-  necessity  for  the  betterment  of   able  in  several  subject  areas.   vices, andthe check out stations.
         sarily  those of the  college.                                     The  language  laboratory  on
                                        Canyon  Country  and  the  entire                                     The  first  level wi11  be  reserv-
                  EDITOR                valley."                          this  level  will  contain  facilities   ed  for  classrooms.
                 Rick  Signoretti
                                          In  supporting the  election, the
               EDITORIAL  STAFF         Four Oaks  Homeowners  Associa-
         Colleen  Andreasen   John  Hunt   tion  reported,  ''We  are  confident   and the  Los Angeles County Fed-  economics  that  include  a  $11.2
         Ginni  Bowen   Dwight  Mikkelsen
         Al  Boykin      Susan  Miles   that  it  will  not  increase  our  tax   eration  of  Labor.      mi11ion  grant  from  the  state,  I
         Judith  Conklin   Edwin  Roach   rate,"                            Endorsements  also  have  come   urge  a  ''YES"  v.ote,"  said  Aga-
         Fred  Fink     Robert  Springer
         James  Haas      Tom  Zwart       Other  organizations  endorsing   from  Elisha Agajanian  and  Blake   janian,
                                        the  election  are  the  Newhall-  V.  Blakey,  co-chairmen  of  the   Blakey  said:
                                        Saugus-Valencia  Board  of  Real-  Citizens'  Committee  to Complete   "As  a  homeowner,  taxpayer,
         Johny  Albrecht   Bruce  McKinnPy                               College  of  the  Canyons.
         Jerry  Hornbeck   Paul  Osterhues   tors,  Newhall-Saugus  Jay  Cees,                             and  a  businessman  in  this  com-
                                        Saugus  School  P.T.C.,  Academic   ''In  view  of  the  benefits  to   munity,  I  see  COC's  bond  elec-
             TONY  REMENIH:  ADVISOR
                                        Senate of College ofthe Canyons,   our  community  and  the  favorable   tion  as  an  excellent  package.''
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