Page 17 - coc45years
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45 Years of Excellence and Innovation  The History of College of the Canyons  |  1969-2014

                                The name of the district was shortened slightly, with the removal
 Once the village of modular buildings was in place, work commenced on  The campus shares  of “Valley” from the Santa Clarita Valley Junior College District. (In
 some of the design
 the adjacent football field and surrounding all-weather “Tartan track.” The mas-  fact, the official district name would metamorphose once again when
 features from this
 sive concrete stadium and lights would come later, after the visitors’ stands  early three-dimen-  California  decided  to  rename  its  junior  colleges  “community  col-
 sional model of the
 were built.                 leges.” The Santa Clarita Community College District became the dis-
 proposed campus.
 At the start of the second academic year, more than 1,200 people were  trict’s official name in 1972.)
 attending classes. It was a strong indicator of community need and the growth  Putting the new football field to good use was the college’s first
 yet to come.                gridiron squad, which announced its arrival by winning the season
 The growing student body was now offered more than 225 courses taught  opener against the Cal Lutheran junior varsity team by a score of 49-
        An early architectural draw-
 by an ever-growing faculty team. New instructors included Roger Basham,  6. The 1970 Cougars, coached by Don Kloppenburg, finished the sea-
        ing (top) shows the proposed
 anthropology;  Marcia  Boehm;  Carl  Buckel,  management;  Janice  Burbank,  placement of the college’s  son with a 7-2 record, second in the Desert Conference and fifth in the
        first permanent buildings,
 nursing  education;  Dorothy  Burtch;  Doris  Coy,  business  and  economics;  state. The first-year team also produced an All-American in tailback
        which is much closer to the
 Barbara  Hamm; Willard  Kiesner;  Roseann  Krane;  Chris  Mathison;  Robert  actual campus that was  Clint McKinney, who gained the most yardage – 413 in 41 carries –
        built. The cover of a 1970
 McNutt;  Stanley  Newcomb;  Ken  Palmer; Anton  Remenih,  communication  in a single game in the history of American college football. By com-
        publication (above) that
 services; Robert Seippel; Carl Seltzer; William Solberg, and Winston Wutkee,  described the new college’s  parison, O.J. Simpson ran a record 304 yards at San Francisco City
        future plans.
 geology. And, although the name was new, the face was familiar, as Alice  College  in  1965.  McKinney  was  named  MVP  of  the  Desert
 Freeman rejoined the faculty ranks under her new, married name, Betty Spilker.  Conference  and  was  presented  with  a  special  trophy  from  Sports
 Joining the administrative team in 1970 were Robert Berson, assistant superin-  Illustrated magazine.
 tendent-business services, and Alduino Adelini, dean of student activities.   The cross-country team, headed by coach Ed Jacoby, won the

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