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              Chapter 1 : Introduction ................................................................... pg 1-17
                          Plan Purpose and Context

                          Old Town Newhall
                          possesses a
                          combination of solid
                          urban structure and
                          prominent physical
                          location.  Its proximity
                          to a mixture of regional
                          uses, activities and
                          amenities, particularly
                          Metrolink rail transit,
                          is unique in the
                          Santa Clarita area.
                          Old Town's pattern
                          of walkable blocks       Chapter 1: Introduction
                          and streets provides
                          the basic ingredients necessary for a true Urban Center surrounded by neighborhoods
                          of varying intensities.  The design principles for mixed-use districts, therefore, guide the
                          Specific Plan's content.  Overall, the Plan produces up to 1,092 new dwellings of various
                          types for 1,402 total dwellings, and up to 1.017 million square feet of retail and/or office
                          space for approximately 1.254 million total space.  Some of this will occur in the form of new
                          development and some as revitalized buildings.

              Chapter 2 : Form and Character ................................................. pg 18-69
                          Concepts and Programs

                          The presence of fixed
                          rail transit into greater
                          and Downtown Los
                          Angeles combined with
                          Old Town Newhall's
                          regional visibility and
                          its more local ability to
                          truly serve adjacent and
                          nearby neighborhoods,
                          provide the basis for
                          a program mix that
                          begins with transit-
                          oriented housing and     Chapter 2: Form and Character
                          focuses on local-serving
                          retail, and limited regional retail.

        iii   O LD  T OW N  N E W H A L L   S PE CIF I C  P LA N
              City of Santa Clarita, California
              ADO P T ED   D E C E m b E r  2 2,   2 0 05
              r EV I SED:   m Ay  1 3 ,   2 0 1 4
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