Page 13 - chuckclark_ccompany
P. 13

As they were getting ready to go, Todd noticed another

                bus arriving. It was met by another sergeant. Todd learned

                that two or three buses came in each day, but there was

                always room, because every day a couple of busloads of men

                shipped out. He also learned they would be there about a


                    In the morning, following reveille and breakfast, they

                lined  up  to  get  their  new  clothes,  shoes,  uniforms  and

                toiletries, and a duffle bag to carry everything in. Then they

                retired to the dormitory, where they tried on the clothes and

                were taught how to arrange their  uniforms  on racks and

                how to organize their footlockers.

                    The next thing was to line up for military haircuts. The

                rest of the  week they got their shots, filled  out

                questionnaires designed  to  tell whether they had any

                special skills or military experience, took IQ tests, and were

                taught  how  to  salute,  come  to  attention  and  fall  in

                formation. All of this, to teach them how to be soldiers.

                    Fort Niagara was an old, historic fortress, and over the

                years, the outer part was  modernized  with two-story

                buildings. Located north of Buffalo, it sat on a bluff over-

                looking the junction of the Niagara River and Lake Ontario.

                Todd and Denny had become good friends, and Sunday was

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