Page 5 - chssc_presskit_lang19760905
P. 5

Septe  5     1876  ...,_  a  l'.l~tlreil  ;rears  ago  .,,...  a  ver, signitice.r.rt  ~V~l'l:t  took
             place  ht ~" Calife>rld~  in  the  iewhaJJ.  a~ee..o                  On  that  d~y,  ~ gold.~n

             spike  was  driven  in pl&o~  to  complete  the  Southern  Pacific  Railroa4,

             linking Os!li.forn.\a cy  ~ tvo  f'oreuu,at·  c1t1&fJ,  ian  Frauci~co  and  Lo~  Angel~se

             Th1B  momentouB  event  was  destined  to  bring gr6at  soonomie  prosp~rit7

             to  tho  3te;t~o

             mind  of Charles  arock~r,  president  ot  the  iouth®~ hc:1:fic,  some:'. time
                                  ·--·  ..,                                 .   .  .;
             in the  mi.d..,.1860°11,  6\  time  lfheu  the  countX7 was  be.gim11ng  to  recover  .froa

             father  201a  0  friend  against  trt~n.d~  What  better way  to  bind  the

             count~7  togethe~-than·w1t,h  ban~~  at ste~l  ud 1~ont  ~hus  was  born  th@
                                                         ;  ·  I\  l                   '
             idea  of  bu.11d1:tl,&  r&1lroads  to  ~flee  the  Bao·,  w1tb  the West,  t-he  ~or't;h

             with  th0  Soutl?.     bringing  the  nation  cloe®r  togoth@ro
            Utor 7~u~  Qf  plruulingp  d1scus~1o~8 9  2nd  political t-n"Sll.glingj  Crocker

           · deoid®d  1n  Oct..,  1874  to  meet  with  all  interested  p0.1•ties  to  work  out

             the  details  for  completing  th~  railroad.,  Final  :tor  &  rail""

             road  to- be  built  from  Su .Franc1~co  goi~  $Ot.rtli  to  the  Mojave  dssert and.~

             at  the  e1.1ae  tim@ one  to  be  ~tarte6.  in Loa  ArJ.gele8  £to1ng  north  to  Lang.
             1'.b.en  oame  the  most  t\1f1'1oult  questio~  -- h.mi  to  ccnnsct  these  tw@  section.a

             of :ir.'e.ilwa,;,·e  !?he  cllly  f'eaifjibl*  !i!olution was  to  build  a  tunnel  north  of

             Id J@~do,,  goiJlS  thl"oup a  mountaiXA.  rang@  out  to  Soledad  Oany-on,  ead

            uphill  to  the  Mo3avs  d«!l!~8rt..        ~e tuue,l.  would  be  1',000  teat  long,  gne  and
            a  third miles  of 00114  rock,  tha  greate~t  single  engin~erhlg  fe~t  e~G

             Qou.nter@~.  go  fa:.~  b;y  tb.s  Southern  Pac1t1e,.

            A:t  this  point,  th.ere  were  mMY  obet.a.oles  to  bi  ov1rcom.t  b&for@  ·the  pror.:,,

             jeat  cou.ld  get  u.udenrn.y\"t  Machiner1  and  mate:rialaD  cableD  and  wagons
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