Page 19 - butlerthyberg1948
P. 19


                                                       TABLE  III

                                  ESTH!ATFD  POF'ULATIJ!,!  BASED  ON  ELE~~ENT.ARY           l
                           AV~RA~E  DAILY  ATTENDANCE  IN  SAUGUS  UNION  DISTRICT

                                                               Per  cent            Estipetid
                           Year               A.D.A.           of  increase         po:pu  at  on

                   1241-1942                    121                               ~-    1082    ------
                   1942-194-3                   104              -ll/-. o 2               936   ·-•.L•~~

                   1243-1244        -           129             -  24.o                 ll~L. ___

                   1944-194'5                   1'39                7.8                 ~ 2,5+_ .. ··-·-

                   194t;-1946                  126                -9.4                  11J4
                   The  :oo;:mlation  was  based  upon  a  rule  used  by  the  office  of
                   th~  county  su~erintendent  of  schools  of  Los  Angeles  ~ounty,
                   which  ie  to  multiply  the  elementary  average  de.1ly  attendance
                   by  nine.
                              1  Includ~s  attendance  for  Bee,  Honby,  New  Era,  and
                   Saugus  District.
                              2 Decrease.
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24