Page 5 - blm_stickelweinmanroberts1980
P. 5


                  Culture resource overviews such as this bring together much of the
            available information on prehistoric and historic peoples and present-
            day Native American groups along with their associated environments.                The
            purpose behind these studies is to provide background information for
            the management of and research into these prehistoric, historic, and
            contemporary resources.

                  This overview is one of seven covering the southern California
            deserts undertaken as part of a comprehensive planning effort by the
            Bureau of Land Management for these deserts.           Overviews aid    in the
            day-to-day management of cultural resources and in the completion
            of environmental analyses and research projects.            Its general value
            to the public in the fields of education and recreation-interpretation
            must also be stressed.

                  Usually cultural overviews are completed prior to beginning the
            field assessments of prehistoric and historic remains and contemporary
            ethnic values.     In this case, however, the nature of the planning
            effort was such that both field-work and literature search were com-
            pleted at approximately the same time.          The complementary field
            report by Gary Coombs (1979)       in this series is titled "The Archaeo-
            logy of the Western Mojave".        Portions of the field report are
            discussed in this overview.

                  The final   report manuscript was submitted by Environmental Research
            Archaeologists in May of 1979 following contract initiation one year
            earlier.    The authors are to be congratulated for their time-consuming
            efforts  in bringing together relevant information on lands administered
            by the Bureau and considerable data concerning the surrounding private

                  This work should prove popular with both the lay-reader and pro-
            fessional   as  it presents new ideas and interpretations of existing
            data which   is sure to stimulate further interest and work.            Its value
            to the management of cultural resources has already been realized in
            part and will    no doubt continue.

                                                                 Eric W. Ritter
                                                                General Editor
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