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Beale's Cut
The San Fernando (Newhall) Pass And the Pioneer Traffic That Went Over It by Vernette Snyder Ripley, 1947-48 •The authoritative 16-part text on Beale's Cut, the Newhall Pass and early oil discoveries. Biography of Edward Fitzgerald "Ned" Beale from Beale Air Force Base. Movie Trivia From Beale's Cut by Leon Worden • The Signal, 4-9-1997
(Edward F. Beale): The Camel Expedition • (New York, NY) Porter's Spirit of the Times, 2-20-1858 HS9029 - Wiley's Windlass (NOT), modern illustration. AP0625 - Earliest Photos of Beale's Cut, 1872. 2 Images. AP2306 - Toll House Below Beale's Cut, Post-1863. LW2204 - Edward F. Beale. LW2205 - Edward F. Beale, Woodcut. EN0100 - Beale's Cut, 1903. MU9001 - 2 Men in Horse-Drawn Carriage Leave SCV Through Beale's Cut, 1890-1910. DI4005 - Person Standing in Beale's Cut, Looking South, n.d. (ca. 1900-1910). TM0701 - Phil Lang & Storm Boyd at Beale's Cut, c. 1907. TM0702 - Storm Boyd & Phil Lang at Beale's Cut, 1907. AP0107 - Beale's Cut Postcard, 1909. HR1001 - Beale's Cut, ca. 1910. AP1915 - Beale's Cut With Car, ca. 1910. LW3582 - Beale's Cut, Colorized Souvenir Postcard, 1911. Full Movie - Harry Carey in "Broken Ways" (1913), Showing Downtown Newhall, Beale's Cut. LW3328 - Man with Spade, Walking Through Beale's Cut, 1910s-1920s. LW3692 - Original Lobby Card: Tom Mix and Tony Jump Beale's Cut in "3 Jumps Ahead" (Fox 1923), Rare. LW2159 - Tom Mix "Jumps" Over Beale's Cut in "Three Jumps Ahead," 1923. 3 Jumps Ahead: Tom Mix Takes Credit for Jumping Beale's Cut Commerce Journal (Wichita, Texas), 9-21-1923. Advertisements for "3 Jumps Ahead" Starring Tom Mix, 1923. LW2159 - Beale's Cut in John Ford's "The Iron Horse," 1924. PA2501 - Buster Keaton in Beale's Cut, from "Seven Chances," 1925. LW2233 - Beale's Cut With Rectangular Holes, 1930s. ST3201 - Video: Beale's Cut Scenes in "The Devil Horse" (Mascot 1932). LW2725 - Beale's Cut with New Pipelines; Story by José Jesús López (from Latta 1976), Photo 1933. AP1304 - Beale's Cut With Car, ca. 1938. LW2172 - MOVIE CLIP: "Stagecoach" (1939) / Beale's Cut Scene. 12 secs. LW2065 - Beale's Cut in "Stagecoach," 1939. Landmark Status for Beale's Cut News reports, 1940. CU1951 - Beale's Cut, Real Photo Postcard, ~1950s. AP0329 - Sketch of Beale's Cut, ca. 1958. HB1806 - "Gypsy Jaunts" Hiking Guide to Beale's Cut, 1964. | |||
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