Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures
Peachland Area of Happy Valley Development
Newhall, California

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July 13, 1964 — Aerial photograph, 15.5x20 inches, of the Peachland area, the first section of the planned 213-home Happy Valley development, which The Signal newspaper termed the "largest development of its type yet to be proposed in this (valley)." The homes in this photograph were built between 1958 and 1964. Photo from the collection of Ted Lamkin of 24833 Peachland Avenue (the Happy Valley model home and presumably the sales office; see below).

North is to the right. At the bottom (east) is Peachland Avenue and the new Peachland Avenue Elementary School, which was the second campus in the Newhall School District. Above it (to the west) are Parchman Avenue (cul-de-sac), Green Mill Avenue and Neargate Drive (making the loop) and the first part of Highspring Avenue at top. To the right of center, running top to bottom, is (east-west) Happy Valley Drive. The open lot to the right (north) of it is the future Newhall Chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which came along in 1966-67.

The same area in 2018. Click image to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

School, Major Subdivision Plans Ripe for Happy Valley.

Solid indications of an impending major development in the Happy Valley area, to include not only a residential building program, but another Newhall elementary school, loomed larger this week as the Newhall County Water District took the first steps to annex what is known as the Miller Ranch Tract of 107 acres, located south of Cherry Street and west of Apple Street.

This property was sold some six months ago by Perkins & Riedel, to a syndicate known as Badger, Fox and Jacobsen of Hollywood, with Ted Lamkin retaining an interest.

In the meantime, the Newhall Elementary school board, realizing that its present school facilities are extended to the limit, and also that coming population increases must be in the area west of Newhall, began negotiations for a school site of 13 acres on the Miller Ranch.

Many Fingers in Pie

These negotiations are reported to have been worked out, and on the verge of formal consummation. Getting clearance on the site has been a long and complicated process for the board since the site must not only get okays from County and State school authorities, but from the Regional Planning Commission.

Mr. Lamkin is vacationing at Yosemite Park and was not available this week for further details on the subdivision of the remaining acreage, but is known to have prepared a tentative map showing the division of the tract into building lots.

The Water District is also giving notice of intention to annex a lot in Placerita Canyon.

News story courtesy of Tricia Lemon Putnam.

Click to enlarge.

More Information Given on Tract for Happy Valley.

Additional particulars about the projected Happy Valley subdivision, available this week with the return of Ted Lamkin, indicate that it will be when complete, the largest development of its type yet to be proposed in this area. The plans include:

(a) 213 building lots for homes, some on level ground, and others somewhat larger, on gently rolling hill area.

(b) A site, in the northeast corner, for another Elementary school, comprising 12.6 acres.

(c) The probable cutting through of two streets, Eighth and Maple, into the subdivision, and the establishment of an equestrian trail through the hills around it.

First Sales in 1957

It is expected that the first portion of the subdivision, 20 acres, consisting of 50 lots, 80-85 by 140 feet in dimensions, will be ready to put on the market the first of the year. The entire tract will reach completion and sale in five years, it is expected.

By that time, it is expected that the entire tract will be annexed to the Newhall County Water District. Other utilities are close at hand and can be brought in with little trouble.

All of the lots to be sold will be covered by severe restrictions in the contracts, in order to develop a high type of residential building, the managers say.

To carry out the development five corporate entities have been set up by the owners, Mr. Lamkin said.

The developing corporations will do no construction work themselves but will work with individual lot buyers in every way possible.

News story courtesy of Tricia Lemon Putnam.

We're Flattered ... and Very Grateful.

We announce with great pride that, beginnings a few days, we're going to start construction on the first home in the new local subdivision known as "Happy Valley in Newhall." This area as you know is nearing completion by Ted Lamkin & Associates.

This model home will be completely furnished, have all the latest and newest built-ins and will also be hostessed by a beauteous young lady. Completion of the construction is scheduled for about April 1st, 1958.

We are most grateful to these developers and to you other fine Newhall folk for these and other expressions of your continuing confidence in our ability to build sound, attractive, well designed homes in every price bracket.

1957 has been a great year. 1958 will be even greater. Let's Go, Newhall.

P.S. Would you like a "sneak preview" of another home very similar to the Model Home we have been commissioned to build? Call 1536 for appointment.

Campbell Construction Co.

Grant Bernards - Don Campbell

9500 Sepulveda Boulevard | Empire 4-2145

12928 Lyons Ave., Newhall | Phone 1536

Courtesy of Tricia Lemon Putnam.

Click image to enlarge.

Local Builder Wins Electric Award.

A new home being built by Ted Lamkin in the beautiful Happy Valley area of Newhall has been awarded the nationally recognized "Live Better Electrically Medallion" by Southern California Edison Company, it was announced last week, by H.G. Hanawalt, District Manager.

The Medallion, symbol of electrical excellence, will be displayed in connection with an open house at 24833 Peachland Avenue, Happy Valley, later this summer when the house is completed. Date and time will be announced.

To qualify for the "Live Better Electrically Medallion," Lamkin conformed to the advanced electrical standards established by Southern California Edison Company und other utilities in this area. In addition to these requirements, Lamkin is incorporating the last word in low-voltage, remote control switching for lighting.

Other electrical features include an electric range and other major electrical appliances; full wiring capacity to handle present electrical loads and to allow for future installation; and nationally known "Light for Living" lighting specifications.

"I am proud to be affiliated with the national Medallion home program," commented Lamkin. "As this campaign spreads across the country, backed by national advertising and promotion, it should go far to boost the nation's electrical living standards and to assure the individual home purchaser that he is getting his money's worth in comfort and convenience."

Courtesy of Tricia Lemon Putnam.

The original Happy Valley Model Home at 24833 Peachland Avenue, seen in 2018. Google Maps image. Click image to enlarge.

Under construction in 1967-68: Newhall Chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

TL6401: 9600 dpi jpeg from original photograph, Ted Lamkin Collection.


Chicken Ranch ~1915


Peachland Homes 1964


Oak Valley Estates 1981



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1926 to ~1943


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Brunner History 1940


Cabin No. 11 (2014)

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